> 1. Server Response Format
> A. Form-encoded only (original draft)
> B. JSON only (current draft)
> C. JSON as default with form-encoded and XML available with an optional 
> request parameter

I vote for B

B doesn't stop specific services also offering form-encoded or XML variants -- 
particularly if that matches the rest of their API. A client app written 
specifically for such a service could still avoid JSON.
Choice B means a generic client needs to support JSON, which I feel isn't 

> 2. Client Authentication (in flows)
> A. Client authenticates by sending its credentials using special parameters 
> (current draft)
> B. Client authenticated by using HTTP Basic (or other schemes supported by 
> the server such as Digest)

>> C. support both flows in the spec.

I vote for B+.
The spec messages have no dependence on any specific client auth mechanism.
The spec says client apps capable of authenticating with a shared secret MUST 
support HTTP BASIC.

James Manger
OAuth mailing list

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