> -----Original Message-----
> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf
> Of Foiles, Doug
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:41 AM
> To: OAuth WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Autonomous clients and resource owners
> (editorial)
> I wanted to poke on the idea of not allowing Refresh Tokens for the
> assertion flow.

How not leaving this up to the server to decide a bad thing? Clearly not all 
assertions will map directly to the OAuth token and expiration, so the token is 
already a different trust relationship. The current draft has a SHOULD NOT for 
refresh token.

> And I am wondering if the assertion flow where the client is acting on behalf
> of a user is on the list of things to be added???

This is a problem with the autonomous grouping, not the flow.

> And I still don't see the corresponding flow in OAuth 2.0 for an OAuth 1.0 - 2
> Legged use case where clients are acting on behalf of a resource owner that
> is not themselves.  Will there be a flow to support this???  I can actually 
> see
> how another type of "end user credentials flow" would work where the
> credential is something different than the username and password.

No. The 1.0 2-legged use-case was really an abuse of the OAuth signature method 
to make signed requests using a username and password (client credentials) 
instead of using Basic auth. In OAuth 2.0, you have to go through an additional 
step: the client first uses its client credentials to get a token (over HTTPS) 
and it uses that token to make requests (signed or not).


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