On May 5, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Foiles, Doug wrote:

> I would expect our OAuth 1.0 services to have support for OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 
> for some period.  I don't think we could expect all our clients to move to 
> OAuth 2.0 at once.  This is an interesting idea that allows clients to be 
> able to cut over to OAuth 2.0 without users having to 
> re-authenticate/authorize.
> Why not just transfer the remaining session lifetime to the new access token 
> (or refresh token if requested).  I would expect the scope to be transferred 
> as well.  I would want our users to authorize any extended period.

Yeah. Facebook's access tokens are literally just wrapping the old session 
tokens, so the access token preserves all the original properties. I expect 
many services that upgrade will likely use a similar approach.

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