Hey James,
Do you have a specific example in mind where this either has been an issue
or will be an issue? Most client implementations I've seen of OAuth (and
technologies like OAuth) have a strong binding between the access token(s),
site they were issued by, and user they belong to. So I haven't heard of
this being a problem in the wild...


On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Manger, James H <
james.h.man...@team.telstra.com> wrote:

>  The OAuth2 protocol does not indicate where a token can be used.
> It needs to do so because if a client app sends a token to the wrong site
> it destroys the security.
> I suggest another field in the JSON token response:
>   "sites": ["https://api.example.com";, "http://photo.example.com:8080";]
> It would be a list of sites where the token can be used, specified by
> scheme://host[:port].
> The default value for the “sites” field could be the token endpoint site
> (or the authorization endpoint site if a token endpoint isn’t used).
> For instance, if Facebook’s new API uses https://graph.facebook.com for
> all resources, tokens, and authorizations it could omit the “sites” field.
> P.S. I suggested this last month
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg01920.html,  though
> I mixed in additional ideas for formats and media type that are probable
> best covered in their own treads.
> --
> James Manger
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