Am 19.04.2010 17:59, schrieb Mike Moore:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav < <>> wrote:

    You are missing the point.

No, I get it. But what I like about OAuth 1.0 was its simplicity. I don't see how allowing either the server or client to suggest alternate encodings allows OAuth 2.0 to do more. I don't think the added complexity is worth it. Not everything needs to be configurable.

So what should be the singlemost encoding to be standardized? I would be unable to choose one.

From my experiences, the optimal encoding primarily depends on the capabilities and style guides of a particular client platform. JSON is fine for JavaScript client, XML might be better for other client platforms, command line scripts can probably easier be implemented using plain text.

Our (proprietary) security token service offers different types of transport encoding, e.g. json and xml. This is highly appreciated by the client developers.

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