User 1 is logged into Client site
User 2 is logged into IDP site

This can happen quite frequently, as client sites often have long-lived
cookies and may only be visited by one user on a shared computer.

Right now client site has no way to ask for a token for User 1, and end
result will be that User 1 starts seeing User 2's data.

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <>wrote:

>  How can they both be logged in? I have never seen a case where two users
> can be both logged into to the same service at the same time...
> On 4/19/10 8:33 AM, "Evan Gilbert" <> wrote:
> More details on this enhancement.
> Goal: Make sure you get an access token for the right user in immediate
> mode.
> Use case where we have problems if we don't have username parameter:
>    1. Bob is logged into a web site as
>    2. Mary (his wife) is logged into IDP on the same computer as
>    3. A request is made to get an access token via the User-Agent flow in
>    immediate mode (or with any redirect without prompting the user)
>    4. -ob now has an access token for Mary and (posts activities,
>    schedules events, gets contacts) as Mary
>    5. Hilarity ensues
> Secondary goal: Provide a hint for non-immediate mode
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <>
> wrote:
> Evan Gilbert proposed a 'username' request parameter to allow the client to
> limit the end user to authenticate using the provided authorization server
> identifier. The proposal has not been discussed or supported by others, and
> has not received a security review.
> Proposal: Obtain further discussion and support from others, as well as a
> security review of the proposal. Otherwise, do nothing.
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