> This has nothing to do with it. There is no PUT and DELETE or POST with 
> non-form body when *requesting a token*.

It is relevant.

I don’t want to authenticate direct client requests *only* when they *request a 

Clients might make any variety of direct requests unrelated to OAuth.

There might even be other OAuth-related requests from clients to an 
authorization server in future (eg get meta data, or delete a token; even 
refreshing a token might be better as a GET).

I want to be able to use the same client auth mechanism, and same client 
credentials, for all these calls.

Some of these calls might be PUTs, DELETEs, non-form POSTs, GETs etc. even if 
requesting (& refreshing) a token is always a form POST.

Hence client_secret as a POST parameter when requesting a token is a poor 

It should be perfectly valid (and not uncommon I expect) for a service to 
support OAuth for user delegation, but not use OAuth for making all direct 
client calls token-based — these address quite different issues.

Other services might use short-term refreshable tokens when clients (on their 
own behalf) access less trusted “content” service, but will use “normal” auth 
when clients talk to the trusted account/authorization system.


James Manger

From: Eran Hammer-Lahav [mailto:e...@hueniverse.com]
Sent: Saturday, 17 April 2010 12:58 PM
To: Manger, James H; Luke Shepard; John Kemp
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Issue: Split the authorization endpoint into two 

This has nothing to do with it. There is no PUT and DELETE or POST with 
non-form body when *requesting a token*.

We need to do a better job not to confuse accessing protected resources with 
the flow calls. They are completely different.


On 4/16/10 7:02 PM, "James Manger" <james.h.man...@team.telstra.com> wrote:

>> In either case, we should not restrict the access token URL to POST-only.
>> A GET request is just as secure and can be much easier to write code for

> If you are using GET, then refresh tokens and client secrets will end
> up side by side in web server log files.

These are exactly the sort of reasons why client authentication should be any 
"normal" auth scheme, and not an OAuth-special client_secret POST parameter. 
That fails for PUT, DELETE, and POST with a non-form body; and the security 
changes with GET.

James Manger

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