A few of us from Google & Facebook had a face-to-face discussion today to
talk through the differences / similarities between Native App, Web
Callback, and User-Agent.

>From the discussion it seemed that the current Native Application flow is
equivalent to Web Callback flow, with:
1. A redirect to a endpoint that shows the verification code in the title of
the page (http://www.yoursite.com/showtitle.html), content takes
verification code and inserts into title of HTML page) and
2. No client secret

It also seemed there were reasons why native app developers might prefer
using User-Agent flow over Web Callback, and vice versa. The Device flow is
also an option.

This seemed to be an opportunity to simplify the spec by removing Native App
flow. A proposal:
- Remove Native App flow
- Make client secret optional in Web Callback flow
- Add text to the spec to give overview of options for native app developers
- Document the "show verification code in titile" technique in best
practices doc


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:08 AM, Mark Mcgloin <mark.mcgl...@ie.ibm.com>wrote:

> My point though is why remove the Native app flow and then replace it with
> something that relies on having to warn the user about possible phishing
> attacks in your UI, like FlickR does. I would find it difficult to get that
> approved here in IBM
> I must look again at Luke Sheppard's suggestion for combining Native app
> flow with UA flow as that seems a better solution
> Mark
> On 15/04/2010 18:15, Marius Scurtescu <mscurte...@google.com> wrote:
> >> What is the benefit in combining Native flow and Device flow and then
> >> having to expend effort preventing any ingenious phishing attacks?
> >The main issue with the Native flow is how is the client getting hold
> >of the verification code. There are several solutions for that
> >(embedded browser, custom scheme and handler app, launching browser
> >process and checking window title), but all are hackish.
> >The Device flow relies on the client polling the authz server and
> >retrieving the tokens directly. This closes the loop nicely.
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