Not at all...the submission is largely focused on the generic assertion flow. It simply adds additional detail to the current text, and clarifies/corrects some of the expected usage patterns. There is a SAML profiling of the flow at the end of the submission, but it's a small percentage of what I submitted.
In terms of format, it suggests: format REQUIRED. The format of the assertion as defined by the authorization server. The format MUST be a URI which designates a profile of the assertion flow. I personally think this is all that is required. It would be nice if these were addressable URIs, but in practice that doesn't happen often, and it does leave behind some specs which are using urn's. Could you please take another glance at what I posted? There are a number of changes to the general assertion flow that are required for it to reflect how this will be used in a lot of scenarios. Specifically, it: * Changes the text so the flow is appropriate for on-behalf-of user flows as well as autonomous, illustrates usage patterns, and indicates this is simply a basis for consistent profiling * Adds a bit of detail on parameters in terms of what's required, format, etc. * Specifies that error responses defined in a profile may supersede those in the general assertion flow * Removes the text around reusing assertions when requesting new access tokens, as some assertion profiles may be single use assertions; this should be up to the profile. So - this works for me - a generic flow is what I was suggesting to begin with. The SAML profiling can happen elsewhere if an example profile is not required. Thanks -cmort On 4/15/10 12:00 PM, "Eran Hammer-Lahav" <> wrote: If I recall correctly, it doesn't define the format parameter, just gives one fixed value for the SAML flow. Either way, I am suggesting we keep the SAML flow out of the spec, keeping just the general assertion flow, with better format definition. EHL On 4/15/10 11:55 AM, "Chuck Mortimore" <> wrote: +1. Did anyone have a chance to review the proposal I made here? I have a couple of people from the SAML community reviewing it offline, but would welcome feedback from this group. The sample text is attached to this post: One specific thing to note - the assertion flow is really appropriate for both autonomous and on-behalf-of user flows, so it will take some special editing to make that work with the current structure of the intro. -cmort On 4/15/10 11:02 AM, "Eran Hammer-Lahav" <> wrote: The assertion flow included in the specification doesn't offer enough to provide interop. Previous discussions ruled out the idea of offering a single SAML 2.0 based flow. Proposal: Leave the flow as a generic assertion flow, using SAML 2.0 as an example, and defining the syntax/values of the format parameter. As long as the format parameter is well-defined, the rest can be left for assertion-language-specific specs and implementations. Needed: Language defining the format parameter in a way which ensures interop across clients using the same format value (i.e. Registry, URI-based, etc). EHL _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list
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