
I haven't seen a tremendous amount of response to this meeting, but it seems like a good idea, even though I cannot be there in person. I would ask two things:

1. Could we have remote participation so that those of us who are unable to travel can join? 2. Can you confirm that OAUTH will meet in Maastricht, and that the majority of attendees that confirm for the interim are also planning to attend?

I ask these questions because our primary F2F venue are the meetings that occur 3 times per year. By aggregating those meetings it means that those of us that must work across multiple groups can limit the amount of travel we must undertake (it may seem unbelievable but at least some of us don't like getting on planes and being away from family more than we have to).


On 4/13/10 6:08 PM, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:
Hi all,

This is an early warning!

As mentioned at the last IETF meeting we are thinking about organizing a
face-to-face interim meeting attached to the Internet Identity Workshop
(see http://www.internetidentityworkshop.com/) on the 20th of May (in
Mountain View). As a host we have tentatively identified Yahoo and this
would be a one day workshop to discuss open issues of the OAuth 2.0.

Hannes&  Blaine

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