On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Luke Shepard <lshep...@facebook.com> wrote:
> Anyone have feedback on this?

I can see several problems with using the User-Agent flow for native

1. A verification code is much simpler to copy-and-paste (as opposed
to access token + refresh token + lifetime). At the extreme, the
verification code can be memorized and typed, this is impossible with
the tokens.

2. Not in all cases a native application can intercept a token sent
back to some callback URL. The native app could be a command line tool
on a headless server, for example. Or, the user's default browser
window does not show a custom title.

3. While it is feasible to extract a short verification code from a
window title, that may not be possible with a long access token (it
can end up truncated). Not to mention refresh token and lifetime.

4. Just redirecting to "about:blank#access_token=blahblahblah" is not
reliable IMO. Try this in Firefox, nothing in the title. Same thing in
Chrome will show the token in the title. I think the callback must
render a proper HTML page with the proper <title>

5. Not clear that the User-Agent flow is safe enough to send back a
refresh token. Was that decided?


The typical solution is for the native app to launch a browser and
then watch that process and look for
> Sorry to push – we are in the midst of implementing this on a short timeline
> and it’s important that we have clarity about the different flows. As it
> currently stands, I would not support the “Native Application Flow” and
> would instead tell desktop developers to use the “User-Agent Flow”. But that
> is confusing and it would obviously be better if the flows were named
> correctly.
> Can someone persuade me otherwise?
> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of
> Luke Shepard
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:36 PM
> To: OAuth WG
> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Combining the Native application and User-agent flows
> In the latest draft of the OAuth 2.0 spec, there are four “User Delegation”
> flows:
> 3.4.1   Web Callback Flow
> 3.4.2   Native Application Flow
> 3.4.3   User-Agent Flow
> 3.4.4   Device Flow
> The Native Application and the User-Agent flows should be combined into one
> flow. The combined flow works for all client-side code. This is how it was
> in David’s original draft; I’d love some help understanding why it was
> separated again.
> From the draft:
> The native flow is intended for desktop applications where “the client is
> capable of interacting with the end user's user-agent but is incapable of
> receiving callback requests from the server (incapable of acting as an HTTP
> server) ... instead of using a callback to deliver the verification code to
> the client, the authorization server displays the verification code to the
> end user via its user-agent.  If the client is able to interact with the
> user-agent, it retrieves the verification code automatically.  Otherwise,
> the end user manually enters the verification code into a client dialog.”
> So the flow is:
> 1/ User goes to oauth/authorize endpoint.
> 2/ Server displays a page that says something like “We are done here” and
> puts a code in the title.
> 3/ Desktop app makes a call to exchange the code for an access token, and
> closes the window.
> 4/ App uses access token.
> A simpler flow, which works for Desktop as well as Javascript apps, is:
> 1/ User goes to oauth/authorize endpoint.
> 2/ Server authorizes, then redirects to the callback url .. something like
> about:blank#access_token=blahblahblah
> 3/ App uses access token.
> At Facebook we have a lot of experience integrating with desktop apps.
> (i.e., Facebook for Adobe Air, Seesmic, Tweetdeck, iPhoto). In my
> experience, none of the desktop apps like to show a code that the user then
> enters into the app. Instead, apps typically receive the session (access
> token) directly in the response url. They can either use a URL on their
> domain, or a fake URL like about:blank, or an endpoint provided by Facebook
> (/connect/login_success.html). More info:
> http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Authorization_and_Authentication_for_Desktop_Applications
> The access token never goes over the wire (it’s in the fragment even if the
> url is legit) and the desktop app gets a more well-formatted response.
> I just don’t get the point of the hacky code-in-html style. Can someone
> point me to a place where this is in widespread use today?
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