
Despite the fact that it might complicate the spec, I would like to see the 
ability to get a token secret without having to make an extra refresh token 
request..  if "secret_type" were added to the request parameters in 
(Client Requests Access Token), the response could contain the token secret 
instead of the refresh_token..  Perhaps it isn't as clean in other flows, but 
at least in this one, I think it's worthwhile..

Not only would this match the interactions in Oauth 1.0 better (easy migration 
path for those wanting to adopt 2.0), but it eliminates an extra API call..  I 
imagine that refresh tokens and token secrets are generally mutually-exlusive.. 
 It's unlikely that I will need to expire an access token that is properly 
signed, so no need for a refresh token..  But, the way the spec is written now, 
I'm forced to deal with a refresh token just to get the secret, which feels a 
bit strange..

Though the spec might be simpler as-is, implementation won't be easier for the 
folks wanting to use token secrets..  Providers will have to manage a new type 
of token, or at least pretend to (make the refresh and access tokens the 
same)..  And clients will have to make an extra API call per flow execution for 
no discernable benefit..

My 2 cents,


-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Torsten Lodderstedt
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 2:53 AM
To: David Recordon
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Consistency across access token replies

>> Its a growing list... :-)
>> If the client can ask for a refresh token, why not also let it ask 
>> for a secret in each flow, and a username, and specific UI, etc. At 
>> some point we cross a line and the protocol becomes complex (even if 
>> rich). I'm asking where that line is, and if this qualifies as worth 
>> of extra complexity. I don't have an answer.
> I'm also prefer to reduce the number of parameters. If an AS returns a 
> refresh token and the Client chooses to ignore it, that's easy code to 
> write. :)

the same holds for token secrets, why not returning them with every response?


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