(+1) pro any client-specific parameters

That's the way OAuth 1.0a and OpenId 2.0 handle it, why deviate?

Am 09.04.2010 19:43, schrieb Eran Hammer-Lahav:
I'm opposed to having both any parameters and a state parameter. Pick one. OAuth 1.0a allowed any client-specific parameter in the callback. The argument for adding a state parameter was to increase interop but that is only true if it comes instead of custom parameters.


On 4/9/10 7:37 AM, "Evan Gilbert" <uid...@google.com> wrote:

    On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav
    <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:

        On 4/8/10 11:11 PM, "Evan Gilbert" <uid...@google.com> wrote:

        >>>> 2. Section 2.1: "The authorization endpoint advertised by
        the server
        >>>> MUST NOT include a query or fragment components as defined by
        >>>> [RFC3986] section 3." Why do we disallow query parameters?
        If we want
        >>>> to enforce strict matching of callback URLs maybe we
        should just
        >>>> demand that.
        >>> I don't like having both custom query and a state
        parameter. If servers have
        >>> to accommodate custom queries, then we might as well drop
        the special state
        >>> parameter since clients can just make up whatever they
        want. I opted to use
        >>> the state parameter because it makes pre-registering URIs
        easier, and it
        >>> doesn't cause parameter namepsace conflicts (which is still
        an open issue).
        >> I think I got mixed up a bit. The authorization server endpoints
        >> should be allowed to have query parameters. No state is
        passed through
        >> these, and also no matching done against them.
        >> Registered callback URLs for clients should also be allowed
        to have
        >> query parameters. If strict matching is enforced, at least
        for the
        >> query part, then no state that can be passed, so they have
        to use the
        >> state parameter. Parameter namespace can be an issue, one
        more reason
        >> to keep the prefix :-)
        > +1 on callback URLs and authorization server being allowed to
        have query
        > parameters.

        Nothing in the spec prevents the authorization endpoint from
        extensions. Right now the spec is silent on how extensions
        work which means
        the server developer has to be careful in adding new
        parameters and should
        probably prefix them with their company name or some other
        prefix to ensure
        they will not conflict with the core parameters and standard
        extensions. I
        also rather make it less appealing to extend the authorization
        because each such custom extension (not published as a
        standard) reduces

        Callback URIs support client state which accomplishes
        *exactly* the same
        thing, but with full and trivial client support. So the
        feature is there,
        now we are just arguing over style.

        > Callback URLs might be a page on an existing web site, and we
        will be limiting
        > the usefulness of the Web & User-Agent profile if we disallow
        these pages to
        > have query parameters.

        Its trivial to add an endpoint that takes a callback and
        redirects it
        internally to the existing endpoint.

    Not trivial to do this. That callback adds latency and more
    importantly requires all clients do the proper redirect URL
    enforcement. Proper redirect enforcement is an essential security
    characteristic, and a small bug in URL parsing means that you've
    created an open redirector (for example, checking that the URL
    prefix is "http://www.mysite.com"; would be a bug, because
    attackers could use "http://www.mysite.com:passw...@www.evil.com/";.

    What is the benefit we get from the restriction on callback URL
    parameters? It's not clear to me why we want this restriction in
    the first place.

        > Authorization server is probably less necessary, but don't
        see any good reason
        > to restrict.

        Its not.


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