Hi Zachary,

that's fine with me.


Am 08.04.2010 23:24, schrieb Zeltsan, Zachary (Zachary):

I really like this use case. I think it ought to be documented on its own.  
(But please let me know if you disagree and thing that it is a subset of 
another use case.)

I also see potential synergy with the recursive delegation case.

For my use-cases draft, I am trying to develop a common template for all use 
cases.  In a day or two, I am going to send your case described in this 
template to check your opinion.


-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Torsten Lodderstedt
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 1:01 PM
To: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Access Token Exchange Flow

Hi all,

here at Deutsche Telekom, we see the need for a flow supporting the
exchange of access tokens for one service into access tokens for another

The scenarios is as follows: In the context of mobile applications, we
employ multi-layered architectures of personalized web services. The
first layer typically exposes an API optimized for the flows of a
particular application. This layer's business logic is built on top of
other web services and so on. We use self-contained bearer tokens
carrying id's, attributes and permissions. Each of the web services
involed has a trust relationship with our authorization server based on
shared secrets. Every web service requires a different token with
different claims (id, permissions, attributes) and signature (HMAC).

The flow is as follows:

1) The client acquires a token for the first service eather by
username/password authentication or web-based authorization flow.

2) The client sends a request (including the access token) to the first
web service.

3) Access control and some business logic is executed based on the token
contents. Afterwards, the first service determines that it needs
to call another services (second web service) on behalf of the user.

4) It requests the issuance of a new token for the second service from
the authorization server based on the original token sent by the client.

5) The authorization server issues a new token carrying the claims need
by the second web service and digitally signs the token
with the respective shared secret. It also encrypts the token content in
order to prevent the first web service from eavesdropping the users data
intended for the second service only.

6) The first web service uses the token to invoke the second web service.


Does anyone else see the need for such a flow?


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