On 3/30/10 4:16 PM, David Recordon wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Richard Barnes <rbar...@bbn.com> wrote:
>> This seems rather application-specific.  What semantics do these things take
>> on when HTTP is just being used as a transport, e.g., for a virtual world
>> system (see VWRAP)?
>> Also, maybe I'm misunderstanding things here, but since it's the Client that
>> send the browser to the authorization page, doesn't the Client control how
>> the authorization page is displayed?  In an iframe, popup, etc...
> Yes, but the Client needs to make sure that the authorization page
> will fit in whatever constraints they're choosing.  This might be a
> popup window but could also be a full page redirect.  There's also the
> case in the Web Client flow where the Client just wants an immediate
> response of yes/no (ala OpenID's checkid_immediate mode) versus
> presenting any UI in the first request.
>> Perhaps what you want here is a set of different authorization URIs that
>> result in different appearances (e.g., desktop vs. mobile)?  You're already
>> assuming that the application developer knows which of these options he
>> wants.
> There are a few ways to go about it:
> 1) different mainly duplicative versions of the Web Client and Web Server 
> flows
> 2) multiple modes within the existing Web Client and Web Server flows
> 3) different user authorization endpoints which can be used with
> either the Web Client or Web Server flow
> 4) an optional parameter like in this proposal
> I'd rather have this be something more dynamic than multiple hard
> coded user authorization URLs and duplicating flows seems more
> confusing to developers.

I agree that defining multiple but essentially similar flows is a bad
idea. This seems like a good opportunity for defining an extension,
mostly because many IETF folks would probably prefer a separation
between meaning and presentation. But personally I'm willing to be
convinced otherwise. :)


Peter Saint-Andre

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