Here is one of the original writeups of OpenSocial + 2LO with a scanned
napkin drawing :-)

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:12 AM, David Recordon <>wrote:

> Kevin Marks has been bugging me for awhile to understand how
> OpenSocial makes use of two-legged OAuth.  I reached out to the team
> and here's their description (via Evan Gilbert).  In general it seems
> like they're more making use of OAuth's RSA signature mechanism rather
> than the user authorization and access token flows.
> 1. Developer (let's say iLike) creates a gadget that runs in multiple
> containers.
> 2. User Bob is views iLike gadget on MySpace and the iLike gadget
> needs to make a request back to iLike's home server to get private
> data (let's say the user's favorite bands)
> 3. iLike gadget makes a JavaScript call to get this data from iLike
> servers. This call uses a gadgets API ( that
> proxies the request through MySpace servers.
> 4. MySpace adds validated URL parameters to the request - most
> importantly opensocial_viewer_id and opensocial_app_url. MySpace then
> signs the request and then forwards on the request to iLike's servers.
> 4.5 iLike can choose to sign request with MySpace's private key or
> with a shared secret between iLike & MySpace.
> 6. iLike verifies the signed request, using MySpace's public key or
> the shared secret.
> 7. iLike checks verifies opensocial_app_url to make sure this isn't a
> different gadget asking for data.
> 8. Lastly iLike looks up user data based on opensocial_viewer_id and
> returns it back to the gadget.
> Intro to signed requests:
> Validation of signed requests:
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