On 2010-03-09, at 7:05 AM, Eve Maler wrote:
> It's a good idea to give guidance on how the scope parameter should be used.  
> That way, it will help avoid "abuse" of the parameter for other purposes, and 
> clashes if different deployments are using it in different ways.  (I suspect 
> that the tradeoff here is making it (superficially?) appealing for 
> implementers vs. making it more interoperable for deployers.)

Thanks. Will add to list of edits.

> Right, the Client doesn't do this processing.  However, if the point of 
> making tokens opaque to "the Client" is to save them trouble, I wanted to 
> point out that some of our use cases have the same overall application 
> deploying a Client along with also being a Protected Resource, and that it 
> could be reasonable to want to save such an app as much trouble as possible 
> in the aggregate.  WRAP today assumes that "the Protected Resource" validates 
> a signature locally.  However, this could be expensive (in the sense of 
> requiring PKI infrastructure).  Another option is to have it offload 
> validation to the Authorization Server as a back-channel operation, which has 
> its own pros and cons.  For now, in UMA we're thinking of defining the 
> back-channel loop as an extension (which could be completely opaque to the 
> core protocol underneath).

Understood. We could add to the spec that the validation could happen at a 
service instead of locally.

-- Dick

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