On Mar 8, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Dick Hardt wrote:
> 2) Client signed tokens are no more secure in MITM attacks than bearer tokens 
> for on-the-fly attacks. If the attacker can disrupt the channel, the attacker 
> can take the signed token and use it to make a valid call just as if it was a 
> bearer token. Imagine the attacker disrupting every other request, and using 
> the valid token to make an API call. 

I think that what you mean here is that the MITM steals (at least the signed 
portion of) the request as well as the token. 

If the MITM has to sign a request it created itself, even with a stolen token, 
it will (or should) not have access to the secret key assigned to a 
properly-provisioned client, and thus cannot authenticate correctly to the 


- johnk

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