On 2010-03-04, at 12:27 PM, Igor Faynberg wrote:

> Blaine Cook wrote:
>> - Why are signatures needed?
> 1) For authentication
> 2) For ensuring integrity
> 3) For non-repudiation

Those are the general capabilities of signatures. "Why does the Client need to 
sign the request / token?" is the full question.

Which party are we worried about authenticating? What are we trying to ensure 
the integrity of? What statement is requires non-repudiation?

>> - What do signatures need to protect?
> They protect against
> 1) Fraudulent access (which, in absence of proper mechanisms, may not even 
> even be considered legally fraudulent while making considerable damage)
> 2) Denial of a previous request.

I am confused by this statement. Would you elaborate?
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