Copying over a discussion from comments on my blog...

Mart Atkins:
> Doing short-lived access tokens in cleartext is not really any different to 
> how most sites
> handle sessions today. A short-lived access token isn't much different than a 
> session key.
> However, if access tokens are going to be used in this way it's probably 
> sensible to define
> a mechanism by which a consumer can explicitly invalidate an access token. 
> This means
> that an access token can be tied to the live of a site session: when the user 
> logs in (or,
> when they first do something that needs the access token) use the refresh 
> token to obtain
> a new access token; when the user logs out, terminate all of the active 
> access tokens
> associated with that session.

David Recordon:
> An invalidate method makes sense, though wouldn't this just happen by 
> refreshing the
> token anyway? You'd get a new access token and the old one would stop working.

Mart Atkins:
> Maybe that would work, as long as the new access token is known only to the 
> consumer
> until the next time the user logs in. Obviously the difference with explicit 
> invalidation is
> that when the user isn't around there are no valid access tokens at all for 
> that user.
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