> The reason why it makes little sense to have different schemes for
> different types of tokens is that it is not the protected resource's
> job to say which algorithm should be used, but the server when issuing
> the token for that resource. The draft did a poor job at separating the
> role of the server issuing the tokens from the role of the server
> providing access to resources.

It is not the role of a spec for an HTTP authentication mechanism to make 
assumptions about how credentials are issued, or assumptions about what 
additional authentication mechanisms might be supported by any particular 
server. I hope a HTTP request-signing spec does not need to assume that a 
separate security server is involved to do all possible mechanism negotiation.

I am very happy for a security server to say:
  eg "use this token+secret with HMAC-SHA256 at http://api.example.org/ for 10 
A security server may want to be a little less specific:
  eg "use this token+secret with any MAC algorithm at http://*.example.com/";
  eg "use this token+secret with the OAuth MAC algs or 
draft-oiwa-http-mutualauth at xyz".

A statement from a security server binding a token+secret to
  "1 or more 'mechanisms' of the 'Token' scheme"
is no easier than a statement binding then to
  "1 or more 'schemes'",
Binding to 'mechanisms' of the 'Token' scheme is significantly worse as it 
exclude a whole swag of current and future authentication mechanisms that are 
not written with OAuth specifically in mind.

James Manger
OAuth mailing list

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