2010/1/9 John Kemp <j...@jkemp.net>:
> On Jan 8, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
> What is the actual reasoning behind this change? I don't understand why we 
> would suddenly now decide to make some whole class of implementations 
> non-conforming, even if there were only few deployments?

Eran did ask if anyone was using OAuth PLAINTEXT without SSL; that
said, I don't think that it matters if anyone is using PLAINTEXT with
SSL; the spec should outline the basis for interop, and
implementations that want to be interoperable and secure MUST check to
see that SSL is being used for PLAINTEXT (especially server

Implementations are always free (as in free country) to have special
flags that disable the security checks and put their OAuth
implementation into non-spec-compliant mode. The same sort of
principle applies to TLS client implementations; the certificate chain
MUST be checked as per the specification, but many clients allow
developers just issue warnings or provide flags to turn off the
warnings that the certificate chain checks are not being performed.
Even though silenced warnings that your TLS connections are insecure
is bad, it's better than the authors of TLS libraries not having to
consider those warnings at all.

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