This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository. jianglongtao pushed a commit to branch master in repository
The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push: new 1cb8461ab8d Remove duplicate category tags in FAQ (#34686) 1cb8461ab8d is described below commit 1cb8461ab8dd7351421200868b1a19753204047f Author: yx9o <> AuthorDate: Sat Feb 15 23:50:37 2025 +0800 Remove duplicate category tags in FAQ (#34686) --- docs/document/content/faq/ | 62 +++++++++++++++++----------------- docs/document/content/faq/ | 59 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/document/content/faq/ b/docs/document/content/faq/ index 7b7fa362efb..327c733877d 100644 --- a/docs/document/content/faq/ +++ b/docs/document/content/faq/ @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ chapter = true ## JDBC -### [JDBC] 引入 `shardingsphere-transaction-xa-core` 后,如何避免 spring-boot 自动加载默认的 JtaTransactionManager? +### 引入 `shardingsphere-transaction-xa-core` 后,如何避免 spring-boot 自动加载默认的 JtaTransactionManager? 回答: 1. 需要在 spring-boot 的引导类中添加 `@SpringBootApplication(exclude = JtaAutoConfiguration.class)`。 -### [JDBC] Oracle 表名、字段名配置大小写在加载 `metadata` 元数据时结果不正确? +### Oracle 表名、字段名配置大小写在加载 `metadata` 元数据时结果不正确? 回答: 需要注意,Oracle 表名和字段名,默认元数据都是大写,除非建表语句中带双引号,如 `CREATE TABLE "TableName"("Id" number)` 元数据为双引号中内容,可参考以下 SQL 查看元数据的具体情况: @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ShardingSphere 查询元数据关键 SQL: } ``` -### [JDBC] 使用 MySQL XA 事务时报 `SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.Connection` 异常 +### 使用 MySQL XA 事务时报 `SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.Connection` 异常 回答: @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.C ## Proxy -### [Proxy] Windows 环境下,运行 ShardingSphere-Proxy,找不到或无法加载主类 org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.Bootstrap,如何解决? +### Windows 环境下,运行 ShardingSphere-Proxy,找不到或无法加载主类 org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.Bootstrap,如何解决? 回答: @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.C tar zxvf apache-shardingsphere-${RELEASE.VERSION}-shardingsphere-proxy-bin.tar.gz ``` -### [Proxy] 在使用 ShardingSphere-Proxy 的时候,如何动态在添加新的逻辑库? +### 在使用 ShardingSphere-Proxy 的时候,如何动态在添加新的逻辑库? 回答: @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ CREATE DATABASE sharding_db; DROP DATABASE sharding_db; ``` -### [Proxy] 在使用 ShardingSphere-Proxy 时,怎么使用合适的工具连接到 ShardingSphere-Proxy? +### 在使用 ShardingSphere-Proxy 时,怎么使用合适的工具连接到 ShardingSphere-Proxy? 回答: @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ DROP DATABASE sharding_db; - DataGrip:2020.1、2021.1(使用 IDEA/DataGrip 时打开 `introspect using JDBC metadata` 选项)。 - MySQLWorkBench:8.0.25。 -### [Proxy] 使用第三方数据库工具连接 ShardingSphere-Proxy 时,如果 ShardingSphere-Proxy 没有创建 Database 或者没有注册 Storage Unit,连接失败? +### 使用第三方数据库工具连接 ShardingSphere-Proxy 时,如果 ShardingSphere-Proxy 没有创建 Database 或者没有注册 Storage Unit,连接失败? 回答: @@ -108,26 +108,26 @@ DROP DATABASE sharding_db; ## 分片 -### [分片] Cloud not resolve placeholder ... in string value ... 异常的解决方法? +### Cloud not resolve placeholder ... in string value ... 异常的解决方法? 回答: 使用 `InlineExpressionParser` SPI 的默认实现的行表达式标识符可以使用 `${...}` 或 `$->{...}`,但前者与 Spring 本身的属性文件占位符冲突,因此在 Spring 环境中使用行表达式标识符建议使用 `$->{...}`。 -### [分片] inline 表达式返回结果为何出现浮点数? +### inline 表达式返回结果为何出现浮点数? 回答: Java的整数相除结果是整数,但是对于 inline 表达式中的 Groovy 语法则不同,整数相除结果是浮点数。 想获得除法整数结果需要将 A/B 改为 A.intdiv(B)。 -### [分片] 如果只有部分数据库分库分表,是否需要将不分库分表的表也配置在分片规则中? +### 如果只有部分数据库分库分表,是否需要将不分库分表的表也配置在分片规则中? 回答: 不分库分表的表在 ShardingSphere 中叫做单表,可以使用 [LOAD 语句](或者 [SINGLE 规则](配置需要加载的单表。 -### [分片] 指定了泛型为 Long 的 `SingleKeyTableShardingAlgorithm`,遇到 `ClassCastException: Integer can not cast to Long`? +### 指定了泛型为 Long 的 `SingleKeyTableShardingAlgorithm`,遇到 `ClassCastException: Integer can not cast to Long`? 回答: @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Java的整数相除结果是整数,但是对于 inline 表达式中的 Groovy 实现 `doSharding` 方法时,不建议指定方法声明中 `Comparable` 具体的类型,而是在 `doSharding` 方法实现中对类型进行转换,可以参考 `ModShardingAlgorithm#doSharding` 方法 -### [分片] ShardingSphere 提供的默认分布式自增主键策略为什么是不连续的,且尾数大多为偶数? +### ShardingSphere 提供的默认分布式自增主键策略为什么是不连续的,且尾数大多为偶数? 回答: @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ ShardingSphere 采用 snowflake 算法作为默认的分布式自增主键策略 而 snowflake 算法的最后 4 位是在同一毫秒内的访问递增值。因此,如果毫秒内并发度不高,最后 4 位为零的几率则很大。因此并发度不高的应用生成偶数主键的几率会更高。 在 3.1.0 版本中,尾数大多为偶数的问题已彻底解决,参见: -### [分片] 如何在 inline 分表策略时,允许执行范围查询操作(BETWEEN AND、\>、\<、\>=、\<=)? +### 如何在 inline 分表策略时,允许执行范围查询操作(BETWEEN AND、\>、\<、\>=、\<=)? 回答: @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ ShardingSphere 采用 snowflake 算法作为默认的分布式自增主键策略 - 4.x 版本:`allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding` 设置为 true 即可(默认为 false)。 - 5.x 版本:在 InlineShardingStrategy 中将 `allow-range-query-with-inline-sharding` 设置为 true 即可(默认为 false)。 -### [分片] 为什么我实现了 `KeyGenerateAlgorithm` 接口,也配置了 Type,但是自定义的分布式主键依然不生效? +### 为什么我实现了 `KeyGenerateAlgorithm` 接口,也配置了 Type,但是自定义的分布式主键依然不生效? 回答: @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ ShardingSphere 采用 snowflake 算法作为默认的分布式自增主键策略 具体的 SPI 使用方式,请大家自行搜索。 与分布式主键 `KeyGenerateAlgorithm` 接口相同,其他 ShardingSphere 的扩展功能也需要用相同的方式注入才能生效。 -### [分片] ShardingSphere 除了支持自带的分布式自增主键之外,还能否支持原生的自增主键? +### ShardingSphere 除了支持自带的分布式自增主键之外,还能否支持原生的自增主键? 回答: @@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ ShardingSphere 采用 snowflake 算法作为默认的分布式自增主键策略 ## 单表 -### [单表] Table or view `%s` does not exist. 异常如何解决? +### Table or view `%s` does not exist. 异常如何解决? 回答: 在 ShardingSphere 5.4.0 之前的版本,单表采用了自动加载的方式,这种方式在实际使用中存在诸多问题: 1. 逻辑库中注册大量数据源后,自动加载的单表数量过多会导致 ShardingSphere-Proxy/JDBC 启动变慢; -2. 用户通过 DistSQL 方式使用时,通过会按照:**注册存储单元 -> 创建分片、加密、读写分离等规则 -> 创建表**的顺序进行操作。由于单表自动加载机制的存在,会导致操作过程中多次访问数据库进行加载,并且在多个规则混合使用时会导致单表元数据的错乱; +2. 用户通过 DistSQL 方式使用时,通常会按照:**注册存储单元 -> 创建分片、加密、读写分离等规则 -> 创建表**的顺序进行操作。由于单表自动加载机制的存在,会导致操作过程中多次访问数据库进行加载,并且在多个规则混合使用时会导致单表元数据的错乱; 3. 自动加载全部数据源中的单表,用户无法排除不想被 ShardingSphere 管理的单表或废弃表。 为了解决以上问题,从 ShardingSphere 5.4.0 版本开始,调整了单表的加载方式,用户需要通过 YAML 配置或者 DistSQL 的方式手动加载数据库中的单表。 @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ LOAD SINGLE TABLE *.*; ## DistSQL -### [DistSQL] 使用 DistSQL 添加数据源时,如何设置自定义的 JDBC 连接参数或连接池属性? +### 使用 DistSQL 添加数据源时,如何设置自定义的 JDBC 连接参数或连接池属性? 回答: @@ -227,14 +227,14 @@ LOAD SINGLE TABLE *.*; 2. ShardingSphere 预置了必要的连接池参数,如 `maxPoolSize`、`idleTimeout` 等。如需增加或覆盖参数配置,请在 `dataSource` 中通过 `PROPERTIES` 指定。 3. 以上规则请参考 [相关介绍](/cn/user-manual/shardingsphere-proxy/distsql/syntax/rdl/storage-unit-definition/)。 -### [DistSQL] 使用 `DistSQL` 删除 `storage unit` 时,出现 `Storage unit [xxx] is still used by [SingleRule]`。 +### 使用 `DistSQL` 删除 `storage unit` 时,出现 `Storage unit [xxx] is still used by [SingleRule]`。 回答: 1. 被规则引用的 `storage unit` 将无法被删除。 2. 若 `storage unit` 只被 `single rule` 引用,且用户确认可以忽略该限制,则可以添加可选参数 ignore single tables 进行强制删除。 -### [DistSQL] 使用 `DistSQL` 添加数据源时,出现 `Failed to get driver instance for jdbcURL=xxx`。 +### 使用 `DistSQL` 添加数据源时,出现 `Failed to get driver instance for jdbcURL=xxx`。 回答: @@ -242,15 +242,15 @@ ShardingSphere-Proxy 在部署过程中没有添加 jdbc 驱动,需要将 jdbc ## 其他 -### [其他] 如果 SQL 在 ShardingSphere 中执行不正确,该如何调试? +### 如果 SQL 在 ShardingSphere 中执行不正确,该如何调试? 回答: 在 ShardingSphere-Proxy 以及 ShardingSphere-JDBC 1.5.0 版本之后提供了 `` 的配置,可以将解析上下文和改写后的 SQL 以及最终路由至的数据源的细节信息全部打印至 info 日志。 `` 配置默认关闭,如果需要请通过配置开启。 -> 注意:5.x版本以后,`` 参数调整为 `sql-show`。 +> 注意:5.x 版本以后,`` 参数调整为 `sql-show`。 -### [其他] 阅读源码时为什么会出现编译错误? IDEA 不索引生成的代码? +### 阅读源码时为什么会出现编译错误? IDEA 不索引生成的代码? 回答: @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ ShardingSphere 使用 lombok 实现极简代码。关于更多使用和安装细 生成的代码例如 `org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.autogen.PostgreSQLStatementParser` 等 Java 文件由于较大,默认配置的 IDEA 可能不会索引该文件。 可以调整 IDEA 的属性:`idea.max.intellisense.filesize=10000`。 -### [其他] 使用 SQLSever 和 PostgreSQL 时,聚合列不加别名会抛异常? +### 使用 SQLSever 和 PostgreSQL 时,聚合列不加别名会抛异常? 回答: @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ SQLServer 获取到的列为空字符串和(2),PostgreSQL 获取到的列为 SELECT SUM(num) AS sum_num, SUM(num2) AS sum_num2 FROM tablexxx; ``` -### [其他] Oracle 数据库使用 Timestamp 类型的 Order By 语句抛出异常提示 “Order by value must implements Comparable”? +### Oracle 数据库使用 Timestamp 类型的 Order By 语句抛出异常提示 “Order by value must implements Comparable”? 回答: @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ SELECT SUM(num) AS sum_num, SUM(num2) AS sum_num2 FROM tablexxx; return result; } ``` -使用了 resultSet.getObject(int index) 方法,针对 TimeStamp oracle 会根据 oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant 属性判断返回 java.sql.TimeStamp 还是自定义 oralce.sql.TIMESTAMP +使用了 resultSet.getObject(int index) 方法,针对 TimeStamp oracle 会根据 oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant 属性判断返回 java.sql.TimeStamp 还是自定义 oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP 详见 ojdbc 源码 oracle.jdbc.driver.TimestampAccessor#getObject(int var1) 方法: ```java Object getObject(int var1) throws SQLException { @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ SELECT SUM(num) AS sum_num, SUM(num2) AS sum_num2 FROM tablexxx; } ``` -### [其他] Windows 环境下,通过 Git 克隆 ShardingSphere 源码时为什么提示文件名过长,如何解决? +### Windows 环境下,通过 Git 克隆 ShardingSphere 源码时为什么提示文件名过长,如何解决? 回答: @@ -341,13 +341,13 @@ git config --global core.longpaths true -### [其他] Type is required 异常的解决方法? +### Type is required 异常的解决方法? 回答: ShardingSphere 中很多功能实现类的加载方式是通过 SPI 注入的方式完成的,如分布式主键,注册中心等;这些功能通过配置中 type 类型来寻找对应的 SPI 实现,因此必须在配置文件中指定类型。 -### [其他] 服务启动时如何加快 `metadata` 加载速度? +### 服务启动时如何加快 `metadata` 加载速度? 回答: @@ -356,14 +356,14 @@ ShardingSphere 中很多功能实现类的加载方式是通过 SPI 注入的方 - 配置项 `max.connections.size.per.query`(默认值为1)调高(版本 >= 3.0.0.M3 且低于 5.0.0)。 - 配置项 `max-connections-size-per-query`(默认值为1)调高(版本 >= 5.0.0)。 -### [其他] ANTLR 插件在 src 同级目录下生成代码,容易误提交,如何避免? +### ANTLR 插件在 src 同级目录下生成代码,容易误提交,如何避免? 回答: 进入 [Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> ANTLR v4 default project settings](jetbrains://idea/settings?name=Languages+%26+Frameworks--ANTLR+v4+default+project+settings) 配置生成代码的输出目录为 `target/gen`,如图:  -### [其他] 使用 `Proxool` 时分库结果不正确? +### 使用 `Proxool` 时分库结果不正确? 回答: diff --git a/docs/document/content/faq/ b/docs/document/content/faq/ index 13a7ee56c31..ffc305e30bb 100644 --- a/docs/document/content/faq/ +++ b/docs/document/content/faq/ @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ chapter = true ## JDBC -### [JDBC] Found a JtaTransactionManager in spring boot project when integrating with XAtransaction. +### Found a JtaTransactionManager in spring boot project when integrating with XAtransaction. Answer: 1. `shardingsphere-transaction-xa-core` include atomikos, it will trigger auto-configuration mechanism in spring-boot, add `@SpringBootApplication(exclude = JtaAutoConfiguration.class)` will solve it. -### [JDBC] The tableName and columnName configured in yaml or properties leading incorrect result when loading Oracle metadata? +### The tableName and columnName configured in yaml or properties leading incorrect result when loading Oracle metadata? Answer: @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ShardingSphere assembled the SQL using the following code: } ``` -### [JDBC] `SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.Connection` exception thrown when using MySQL XA transaction +### `SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.Connection` exception thrown when using MySQL XA transaction Answer: @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to unwrap to interface com.mysql.jdbc.C ## Proxy -### [Proxy] In Windows environment, could not find or load main class org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.Bootstrap, how to solve it? +### In Windows environment, could not find or load main class org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.Bootstrap, how to solve it? Answer: @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Open cmd.exe and execute the following command: tar zxvf apache-shardingsphere-${RELEASE.VERSION}-shardingsphere-proxy-bin.tar.gz ``` -### [Proxy] How to add a new logic database dynamically when use ShardingSphere-Proxy? +### How to add a new logic database dynamically when use ShardingSphere-Proxy? Answer: @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ CREATE DATABASE sharding_db; DROP DATABASE sharding_db; ``` -### [Proxy] How to use suitable database tools connecting ShardingSphere-Proxy? +### How to use suitable database tools connecting ShardingSphere-Proxy? Answer: @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Answer: - DataGrip: 2020.1, 2021.1 (turn on "introspect using jdbc metadata" in idea or datagrip). - MySQLWorkBench: 8.0.25. -### [Proxy] When using a client to connect to ShardingSphere-Proxy, if ShardingSphere-Proxy does not create a database or does not register a storage unit, the client connection will fail? +### When using a client to connect to ShardingSphere-Proxy, if ShardingSphere-Proxy does not create a database or does not register a storage unit, the client connection will fail? Answer: @@ -109,28 +109,27 @@ Answer: ## Sharding - -### [Sharding] How to solve `Cloud not resolve placeholder … in string value …` error? +### How to solve `Cloud not resolve placeholder … in string value …` error? Answer: `${...}` or `$->{...}` can be used in inline expression identifiers using the default implementation of the `InlineExpressionParser` SPI, but the former one clashes with place holders in Spring property files, so `$->{...}` is recommended to be used in Spring as inline expression identifiers. -### [Sharding] Why does float number appear in the return result of inline expression? +### Why does float number appear in the return result of inline expression? Answer: The division result of Java integers is also integer, but in Groovy syntax of inline expression, the division result of integers is float number. To obtain integer division result, A/B needs to be modified as A.intdiv(B). -### [Sharding] If sharding database is partial, should tables without sharding database & table configured in sharding rules? +### If sharding database is partial, should tables without sharding database & table configured in sharding rules? Answer: A table that does not use sharding is called single table in ShardingSphere, and you can use [LOAD statements]( or [SINGLE rule]( to configure the single table that needs to be loaded. -### [Sharding] When generic Long type `SingleKeyTableShardingAlgorithm` is used, why does the `ClassCastException: Integer can not cast to Long` exception appear? +### When generic Long type `SingleKeyTableShardingAlgorithm` is used, why does the `ClassCastException: Integer can not cast to Long` exception appear? Answer: @@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ Answer: When implementing the `doSharding` method, it is not recommended to specify the specific type of `Comparable` in the method declaration, but to convert the type in the implementation of the `doSharding` method. You can refer to the `ModShardingAlgorithm#doSharding` method. -### [Sharding] Why is the default distributed auto-augment key strategy provided by ShardingSphere not continuous and most of them end with even numbers? +### Why is the default distributed auto-augment key strategy provided by ShardingSphere not continuous and most of them end with even numbers? Answer: @@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ ShardingSphere uses snowflake algorithms as the default distributed auto-augment But the last four numbers of snowflake algorithm are incremental value within one millisecond. Thus, if concurrency degree in one millisecond is not high, the last four numbers are likely to be zero, which explains why the rate of even end number is higher. In 3.1.0 version, the problem of ending with even numbers has been totally solved, please refer to: -### [Sharding] How to allow range query with using inline sharding strategy (BETWEEN AND, \>, \<, \>=, \<=)? +### How to allow range query with using inline sharding strategy (BETWEEN AND, \>, \<, \>=, \<=)? Answer: @@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ Answer: - Version 4.x: `allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding` to `true` (Default value is `false`). - Version 5.x: `allow-range-query-with-inline-sharding` to `true` in InlineShardingStrategy (Default value is `false`). -### [Sharding] Why does my custom distributed primary key do not work after implementing `KeyGenerateAlgorithm` interface and configuring `type` property? +### Why does my custom distributed primary key do not work after implementing `KeyGenerateAlgorithm` interface and configuring `type` property? Answer: @@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ Answer: More detail for SPI usage, please search by yourself. Other ShardingSphere functionality implementation will take effect in the same way. -### [Sharding] In addition to internal distributed primary key, does ShardingSphere support other native auto-increment keys? +### In addition to internal distributed primary key, does ShardingSphere support other native auto-increment keys? Answer: @@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ The premise for returning native auto-increment key is that INSERT SQL is eventu ## Single table -### [Single table] Table or view `%s` does not exist. How to solve the exception? +### Table or view `%s` does not exist. How to solve the exception? Answer: @@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ For more LOAD single table DistSQL, please refer to [Load Single Table](/en/user ## DistSQL -### [DistSQL] How to set custom JDBC connection properties or connection pool properties when adding a data source using DistSQL? +### How to set custom JDBC connection properties or connection pool properties when adding a data source using DistSQL? Answer: @@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ Answer: 2. ShardingSphere presets necessary connection pool properties, such as `maxPoolSize`, `idleTimeout`, etc. If you need to add or overwrite the properties, please specify it with `PROPERTIES` in the `dataSource`. 3. Please refer to [Related introduction](/en/user-manual/shardingsphere-proxy/distsql/syntax/rdl/storage-unit-definition/) for above rules. -### [DistSQL] How to solve ` Storage unit [xxx] is still used by [SingleRule].` exception when dropping a data source using DistSQL? +### How to solve ` Storage unit [xxx] is still used by [SingleRule].` exception when dropping a data source using DistSQL? Answer: @@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ Answer: UNREGISTER STORAGE UNIT storageUnitName [, storageUnitName] ... [ignore single tables] ``` -### [DistSQL] How to solve ` Failed to get driver instance for jdbcURL=xxx.` exception when adding a data source using DistSQL? +### How to solve ` Failed to get driver instance for jdbcURL=xxx.` exception when adding a data source using DistSQL? Answer: @@ -251,14 +250,14 @@ REGISTER STORAGE UNIT storageUnit [..., storageUnit] ## Other -### [Other] How to debug when SQL can not be executed rightly in ShardingSphere? +### How to debug when SQL can not be executed rightly in ShardingSphere? Answer: `` configuration is provided in ShardingSphere-Proxy and post-1.5.0 version of ShardingSphere-JDBC, enabling the context parsing, rewritten SQL and the routed data source printed to info log. `` configuration is off in default, and users can turn it on in configurations. A Tip: Property `` has changed to `sql-show` in version 5.x. -### [Other] Why do some compiling errors appear? Why did not the IDEA index the generated codes? +### Why do some compiling errors appear? Why did not the IDEA index the generated codes? Answer: @@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ The codes under the package `org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.autogen` are g The generated codes such as `org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.autogen.PostgreSQLStatementParser` may be too large to be indexed by the IDEA. You may configure the IDEA's property `idea.max.intellisense.filesize=10000`. -### [Other] In SQLSever and PostgreSQL, why does the aggregation column without alias throw exception? +### In SQLSever and PostgreSQL, why does the aggregation column without alias throw exception? Answer: @@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ The right SQL should be written as: SELECT SUM(num) AS sum_num, SUM(num2) AS sum_num2 FROM tablexxx; ``` -### [Other] Why does Oracle database throw “Order by value must implements Comparable” exception when using Timestamp Order By? +### Why does Oracle database throw “Order by value must implements Comparable” exception when using Timestamp Order By? Answer: @@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ Reasons: return result; } ``` -After using resultSet.getObject(int index), for TimeStamp oracle, the system will decide whether to return java.sql.TimeStamp or define oralce.sql.TIMESTAMP according to the property of oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant. See oracle.jdbc.driver.TimestampAccessor#getObject(int var1) method in ojdbc codes for more detail: +After using resultSet.getObject(int index), for TimeStamp oracle, the system will decide whether to return java.sql.TimeStamp or define oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP according to the property of oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant. See oracle.jdbc.driver.TimestampAccessor#getObject(int var1) method in ojdbc codes for more detail: ```java Object getObject(int var1) throws SQLException { Object var2 = null; @@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ After using resultSet.getObject(int index), for TimeStamp oracle, the system wil } ``` -### [Other] In Windows environment,when cloning ShardingSphere source code through Git, why prompt filename too long and how to solve it? +### In Windows environment,when cloning ShardingSphere source code through Git, why prompt filename too long and how to solve it? Answer: @@ -347,13 +346,13 @@ Reference material: -### [Other] How to solve `Type is required` error? +### How to solve `Type is required` error? Answer: In Apache ShardingSphere, many functionality implementation are uploaded through SPI, such as Distributed Primary Key. These functions load SPI implementation by configuring the `type`, so the `type` must be specified in the configuration file. -### [Other] How to speed up the metadata loading when service starts up? +### How to speed up the metadata loading when service starts up? Answer: @@ -362,14 +361,14 @@ Answer: - `max.connections.size.per.query`(Default value is 1) higher referring to connection pool you adopt(Version >= 3.0.0.M3 & Version < 5.0.0). - `max-connections-size-per-query`(Default value is 1) higher referring to connection pool you adopt(Version >= 5.0.0). -### [Other] The ANTLR plugin generates codes in the same level directory as src, which is easy to commit by mistake. How to avoid it? +### The ANTLR plugin generates codes in the same level directory as src, which is easy to commit by mistake. How to avoid it? Answer: Goto [Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> ANTLR v4 default project settings](jetbrains://idea/settings?name=Languages+%26+Frameworks--ANTLR+v4+default+project+settings) and configure the output directory of the generated code as `target/gen` as shown:  -### [Other] Why is the database sharding result not correct when using `Proxool`? +### Why is the database sharding result not correct when using `Proxool`? Answer: