poppop9 opened a new issue, #34101:
URL: https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/issues/34101

   This is the official document regarding the configuration of a single table:
   - !SINGLE
       # MySQL 风格
       - ds_0.t_single # 加载指定单表
       - ds_1.* # 加载指定数据源中的全部单表
       - "*.*" # 加载全部单表
       # PostgreSQL 风格
       - ds_0.public.t_config
       - ds_1.public.*
       - ds_2.*.*
       - "*.*.*"
     defaultDataSource: ds_0 # 默认数据源,仅在执行 CREATE TABLE 创建单表时有效。缺失值为空,表示随机单播路由。
   I need to configure the generation strategy for the primary key of a single 
table now. How should I configure it?

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