ygerzhedovich commented on code in PR #4977:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/4977#discussion_r1900862992

@@ -360,4 +384,35 @@ public void stop() throws Exception {
         runningQueries.values().forEach(query -> query.onError(ex));
+    private Event makeStartEvent(Query query) {
+        QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo(query);
+        Map<String, Object> fields = IgniteUtils.newLinkedHashMap(7);
+        fields.put("initiator", nodeId);
+        fields.put("id", queryInfo.id());
+        fields.put("schema", queryInfo.schema());
+        fields.put("sql", queryInfo.sql());
+        fields.put("parentId", queryInfo.parentId());
+        fields.put("statementNum", queryInfo.statementNum());
+        fields.put("transactionId", queryInfo.transactionId());
+        return IgniteEvents.QUERY_STARTED.builder()
+                .user(EventUser.system())
+                .timestamp(queryInfo.startTime().toEpochMilli())
+                .fields(fields)
+                .build();
+    }
+    private static Event makeFinishEvent(UUID queryId, @Nullable Throwable ex) 
+        Map<String, Object> fields = IgniteUtils.newLinkedHashMap(2);
+        fields.put("id", queryId);
+        fields.put("error", ex == null ? null : unwrapCause(ex).getMessage());
+        return IgniteEvents.QUERY_FINISHED.builder()

Review Comment:
   need to add timestamp of the event which helps to understand when the query 
has been finished

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