sk0x50 commented on code in PR #4923:

@@ -332,6 +332,52 @@ public static String getFullStackTrace(Throwable 
throwable) {
         return sw.getBuffer().toString();
+    /**
+     * Checks if passed in {@code 'Throwable'} has given class in {@code 
'cause'} hierarchy
+     * <b>including</b> that throwable itself.
+     * Note that this method follows includes {@link Throwable#getSuppressed()}
+     * into check.
+     *
+     * @param t Throwable to check (if {@code null}, {@code false} is 
+     * @param msg Message text that should be in cause.
+     * @param cls Cause classes to check (if {@code null} or empty, {@code 
false} is returned).
+     * @return {@code True} if one of the causing exception is an instance of 
passed in classes,
+     *      {@code false} otherwise.
+     */
+    public static boolean hasCause(@Nullable Throwable t, @Nullable String 
msg, Class<?> @Nullable... cls) {

Review Comment:
   Well, it is just a copy of the Apache Ignite 2 code. Of course, it does not 
mean that we cannot change it! I like the proposed `hasCauseOrSuppressed`.
   > Just a note: we have willThrowWithCauseOrSuppressed() in the codebase.
   It seems to me, that this particular test method cannot be applied in our 
case. So, I would stay with a new one (introduced in the patch).
   > Also, is it possible to rename parameters and variables to make them more 
   I will do it. Thanks for pointing this out.
   > And: this doesn't seem to tolerate cycles in the exception graph (except 
for a special case when cause equals the exception itself). I think we 
sometimes add suppressions in a way that creates such cycles. Should they be 
detected? I think I saw code for their detection somewhere (maybe it was in 
some test-only utility class).
   Do you mean something like as follows

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