xtern commented on code in PR #4898:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/4898#discussion_r1888050049

@@ -95,46 +126,141 @@ public void killQueryFromLocal() {
         assertThat(queries.size(), is(1));
         UUID targetQueryId = queries.get(0).id();
-        checkKillQuery(node, targetQueryId, true);
+        assertThat(executeKillSqlQuery(node, targetQueryId), is(true));
         assertThat(runningQueries(), is(empty()));
         expectQueryCancelled(new DrainCursor(cursor));
-        checkKillQuery(node, targetQueryId, false);
-        checkKillQuery(node, targetQueryId, true, true);
+        assertThat(executeKillSqlQuery(node, targetQueryId), is(false));
+        assertThat(executeKill(node, QUERY, targetQueryId, true), is(true));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void killComputeJobFromLocal() {
+        Ignite node = CLUSTER.aliveNode();
+        JobDescriptor<Void, Void> job = 
+        JobExecution<Void> execution = 
node.compute().submit(JobTarget.node(clusterNode(node)), job, null);
+        Awaitility.await().until(execution::stateAsync, 
+        UUID jobId = await(execution.idAsync());
+        assertThat(jobId, not(nullValue()));
+        assertThat(executeKillJob(node, jobId), is(true));
+        Awaitility.await().until(execution::stateAsync, 
+        assertThat(executeKillJob(node, jobId), is(false));
+        assertThat(executeKill(node, COMPUTE, jobId, true), is(true));
     public void killQueryFromRemote() {

Review Comment:
   Do you mean something that doesn't fit on a single page?
   i.e. `SELECT x FROM system_range(0, 100000)`?

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