JAkutenshi commented on code in PR #4446:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/4446#discussion_r1872693617

@@ -1298,6 +1323,79 @@ private CompletableFuture<Boolean> 
             return falseCompletedFuture();
+        // TODO: move to Replica 
+        private void registerFailoverCallback(ReplicationGroupId 
replicationGroupId) {
+            CompletableFuture<Replica> replicaFuture = 

Review Comment:
   No, I think that `!electedPrimaryReplica.isDone()` isn't possible. Moreover 
even if then there is not the case.
   Why the state is impossible. There are 3 places to create the future:
   1. when replica starts
      - if the future already was created -- complete with new replica;
      - otherwise put new replica future to the `replicas` map.
   2. when `ReplicaManager` got `PlacementDriver`'s message and it may be only 
   3. when we got a `ReplicaRequest` for yet not started replica and then we 
create a future and bind a request handle on incomplete future.
   Point 2 implies that we won't get any `PRIMARY_REPLICA_ELECTED` event until 
replica future will be completed, because then replica couldn't handle 
`LeaseGrantMessage`and became a primary.
   And why even if it might be possible it's not the case. When we should check 
`isDone` on replica future?
   - On `ReplicaManager` / Ignite node stopping with `ReplicaStoppingException` 
   - When we need urgent replication request's response without extra waiting.
   That's why I think we may wait there for (may be exceptional) completeness.

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