valepakh commented on code in PR #4817:

@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ static ComputeJobDataHolder marshalAndWrapResult(Object 
result, @Nullable Marsha
             // Value is represented by 3 tuple elements: type, scale, value.
             var builder = new BinaryTupleBuilder(3, 3, false);
             ClientBinaryTupleUtils.appendObject(builder, result);
-            return new ComputeJobDataHolder(NATIVE,;
+            return new ComputeJobDataHolder(NATIVE, 

Review Comment:
   I split the data holder class both for removing this copy and for better 
logic distinction between the two. The result data holder has custom 
serialization which writes the buffer to the stream, which still internally 
does a copy since the `OutputStream` can't write buffer directly so there's a 
`WritableByteChannel` which does a chunked writes.

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