myskov opened a new pull request, #4826: URL: Added modules for Spring Boot support. JDK 17 is now required to build all modules because Spring Boot 3.x requires Java 17. The target Java version remains 11 for Apache Ignite 3. However, the target Java version has been updated in the following modules: * spring-boot-ignite-client-autoconfigure: This module requires Java 17 due to Spring Boot dependencies. * spring-boot-starter-ignite-client-example: This module requires Java 17 due to Spring Boot dependencies. * arch-test: This module requires Java 17 to analyze the modules mentioned above. ### The Review Checklist - [ ] **Formal criteria:** TC status, codestyle, mandatory documentation. Also make sure to complete the following: \- There is a single JIRA ticket related to the pull request. \- The web-link to the pull request is attached to the JIRA ticket. \- The JIRA ticket has the Patch Available state. \- The description of the JIRA ticket explains WHAT was made, WHY and HOW. \- The pull request title is treated as the final commit message. The following pattern must be used: IGNITE-XXXX Change summary where XXXX - number of JIRA issue. - [ ] **Design:** new code conforms with the design principles of the components it is added to. - [ ] **Patch quality:** patch cannot be split into smaller pieces, its size must be reasonable. - [ ] **Code quality:** code is clean and readable, necessary developer documentation is added if needed. - [ ] **Tests code quality:** test set covers positive/negative scenarios, happy/edge cases. Tests are effective in terms of execution time and resources. ### Notes - [Apache Ignite Coding Guidelines]( -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-mail: For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: