xtern commented on code in PR #4807:
URL: https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/4807#discussion_r1863052254

@@ -107,12 +107,16 @@ public RowWrapper concat(RowWrapper left, RowWrapper 
right) {
     public RowWrapper map(RowWrapper row, int[] mapping) {
         Object[] fields = new Object[mapping.length];
+        Builder schemaBuilder = RowSchema.builder();
+        List<TypeSpec> originalFields = row.rowSchema().fields();
         for (int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++) {
-            fields[i] = row.get(mapping[i]);
+            int mappedIdx = mapping[i];
+            fields[i] = row.get(mappedIdx);
+            schemaBuilder.addField(originalFields.get(mappedIdx));
-        return new ObjectsArrayRowWrapper(row.rowSchema(), fields);
+        return new ObjectsArrayRowWrapper(schemaBuilder.build(), fields);

Review Comment:
   It's better to build schema single time for a batch of rows.
   My suggestion (may be @lowka or you have better ideas)
   ~~Add SqlRowHandler.schema(row) method~~
   Add additional parameter to map method and pass target schema.
   In ModifyNode.splitMerge, for example, get schema of the first row and build 
target schema.
   And do the same in flushTuples for the UPDATE operation :thinking: 
   p.s. may be it's also worth to mute this failure  
   in this PR

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