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**ITC35 PhD Workshop, co-located with the *35th International
Teletraffic Congress
“/Network Traffic Engineering in the TLC networks of the future/”*
*Wednesday, October 4, 2023, Turin*
*Website: https://itc35.itc-conference.org/*
/Re-thinking fundamental networking functions, their modeling and their
performance evaluation in the framework of the evolving Internet and
cellular networks, in the era of cloud and content providers, is a
target for the ITC community. The PhD workshop aims at fostering
contributions and fresh ideas from young researchers, pursuing their PhD
or having just completed their PhD. Discussion of their PhD ideas and
progress, proposition of research challenges and directions is welcome
during a dedicated workshop./
The International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the ITC has decided to
offer a number of _/*travel grants*/_ (STG) that will be available to
support full-time students for attending ITC 35th. The amount of each
grant is *EUR 600* that can be used to cover student travel expenses
related to attending ITC 35th conference, such as student registration
fee, airline ticket, and hotel accommodation expenses./_*
With respect to the presentation to be given during the Workshop, two
contribution formats are solicited:
* more *mature* research works, in the form of a long presentation (up
to 20 min each);
* short *in-progress* research work discussion, with a short
presentation (up to 10 min each).
Correspondingly, Authors proposing a long presentation are invited to
submit an *extended abstract* (max 3 pages plus references, using the
same format as for regular contributions to the main conference).
Extended abstracts will be *published* along with conference
proceedings. The best contribution will be invited for submission as a
full paper to be *fast-track* reviewed for potential publication in a
journal (to be determined).
Authors proposing a short presentation are solicited to submit a title,
list of Authors and a short abstract (up to 400 words), to help set up
the workshop program.
*Contribution should be sent in PDF format via email to:*
* *Andrea Baiocchi:* andrea.baioc...@uniroma1.it
* *Lea Skorin-Kapov: *lea.skorin-ka...@fer.hr
* <https://itc35.itc-conference.org/> *Submission deadline*: August
10, 2023 (Extended)
* *Notification of acceptance:* August 20, 2023 (Extended)
* *Submission of camera-ready extended abstracts:* September 16, 2023
Camera-ready versions should be uploaded as indicated with respect to
camera-ready instructions
* *Andrea Baiocchi*, University of Rome, Italy
* *Lea Skorin-Kapov*, University of Zagreb, Croatia
For any questions do not hesitate to contact the conference organization
/Best Regards,/
/*ITC 35 *//Organizing Team/
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