Grazie dell'articolo, Alberto.
Questo passaggio che riporto sotto mi sembra quello assolutamente centrale. Le prime due
frasi dovrebbe essere riportate come "disclaimer" di ogni articolo (soprattutto
giornalistico) che parla di ChatGPT e sistemi simili.
Ciao, Enrico
Il 16/03/2023 08:42, Alberto Cammozzo via nexa ha scritto:
The belief in this kind of AI as actually knowledgeable or meaningful is actively dangerous. It risks poisoning the well of collective thought, and of our ability to think at all. If, as is being proposed by technology companies, the results of ChatGPT queries will be provided as answers to those seeking knowledge online, and if, as has been proposed by some commentators, ChatGPT is used in the classroom as a teaching aide, then its hallucinations will enter the permanent record, effectively coming between us and more legitimate, testable sources of information, until the line between the two is so blurred as to be invisible. Moreover, there has never been a time when our ability as individuals to research and critically evaluate knowledge on our own behalf has been more necessary, not least because of the damage that technology companies have already done to the ways in which information is disseminated. To place all of our trust in the dreams of badly programmed machines
would be to abandon such critical thinking altogether.
-- EN
Prof. Enrico Nardelli
Presidente di "Informatics Europe"
Direttore del Laboratorio Nazionale "Informatica e Scuola" del CINI
Dipartimento di Matematica - Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Via della Ricerca Scientifica snc - 00133 Roma
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