Possiamo chiamarlo "L'approccio dei Sam" (Altman e Bankman-Fried): non 
rispettare le regole e poi dire "ma com'è che non mi regolate?"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniela Tafani" <daniela.taf...@unipi.it>
To: "Nexa" <nexa@server-nexa.polito.it>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 7:11:09 PM
Subject: [nexa] GPT-4

- GPT-4 has the potential to be used to attempt to identify private individuals 
when augmented with outside data; 

- GPT-4 is capable of generating discriminatory content favorable to autocratic 
governments across 
multiple languages 

- it does continue the trend of potentially lowering the cost of certain steps 
of a successful cyberattack; 

- GPT-4 has the tendency to “hallucinate,” i.e. “produce content that is 
nonsensical or untruthful in 
relation to certain sources.” This tendency can be particularly harmful as 
models become 
increasingly convincing and believable, leading to overreliance on them by 
Counterintuitively, hallucinations can become more dangerous as models 
become more truthful, as users build trust in the model when it provides 
truthful information in 
areas where they have some familiarity. Additionally, as these models are 
integrated into society 
and used to help automate various systems, this tendency to hallucinate is one 
of the factors that 
can lead to the degradation of overall information quality and further reduce 
veracity of and trust in 
freely available information; 

Non lo scrive un luddista, lo scrive - in un lungo elenco di ulteriori effetti 
nefasti - OpenAI, nella System Card 
di un documento travestito da articolo arxiv, ma il cui autore è l'azienda 

< [ https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4.pdf | 
https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4.pdf ] > 

Nella consapevolezza della fragilità degli interventi mitigatori, OpenAI rileva 
"a need for effective regulation". 

Buona serata, 


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