Io normalmente non faccio selfie, anche perche' non li so fare, ma
soprattutto perche' un certo senso di pudore mi spinge a evitare le
autopromozioni ...
Pero' ho pensato che poteste essere interessati al libro appena uscito
in open access:
Francesca Farruggia (a cura di)
Dai droni alle armi autonome: Lasciare l'Apocalisse alle macchine?
Prefazione di Giorgio Parisi
Scritti di: Fabrizio Battistelli, Sofia Bertieri, Francesca Farruggia,
Barbara Gallo, Adriano Iaria, Diego Latella, Michael Malinconi, Giorgio
Parisi, Juan Carlos Rossi, Maurizio Simoncelli, Gian Piero Siroli,
Guglielmo Tamburrini.
Buona lettura
Dott. Diego Latella - Senior Researcher CNR/ISTI, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124
Pisa, Italy ( [1])
FM&&T Lab. (
CNR/GI-STS ( - ph: +390506212982, fax:
I don't quite know whether it is especially computer science or its
subdiscipline Artificial Intelligence that has such an enormous
affection for euphemism. We speak so spectacularly and so readily of
computer systems that understand, that see, decide, make judgments, and
so on, without ourselves recognizing our own superficiality and
immeasurable naivete with respect to these concepts. And, in the process
of so speaking, we anesthetise our ability to evaluate the quality of
our work and, what is more important, to identify and become conscious
of its end use. […] One can't escape this state without asking, again
and again: "What do I actually do? What is the final application and use
of the products of my work?" and ultimately, "am I content or ashamed to
have contributed to this use?"
-- Prof. Joseph Weizenbaum ["Not without us", ACM SIGCAS 16(2-3) 2--7 -
Aug. 1986]
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