The European Commission, as part of its policy to foster digital transformation 
and succeed in the digital decade, promotes digital skills as a key factor to 
improve economic competitiveness and social justice. This report provides 
evidence about the availability of higher education offer in Artificial 
intelligence, High performance computing, Cybersecurity, and Data science in 
the academic year 2020-2021, so as to anticipate possible gaps (or abundance) 
in their offer. Following a keyword-based query methodology that captures the 
inclusion of advanced digital skills in the programmes’ syllabus, we monitor 
the availability of masters’ programmes and study their characteristics, such 
as the scope (broad and specialised), education fields in which digital skills 
are taught (e.g., Information and communication technologies; Business, 
administration and law), and the content areas covered by the programmes. The 
EU’s offer of AI-related specialised master’s programmes is higher than that of 
the US. Even if the field of education dominating the offer of AI master’s 
programmes is Information and communication technologies, noticeable shares are 
also observed for Engineering, manufacturing and construction. In 
Cybersecurity, the EU is the only area presenting a positive trend during the 
last year, involving both broad and specialised masters. Despite this, still 
the EU’s related offer is lower than that of the US and that of the UK. 
Regarding Data science masters, the US keeps its leading position. 

Fabio Nascimbeni

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