Fresco fresco di pubblicazione...

=> "Study: Public services need to nurture and sustain vulnerable small projects"

European public services should focus not only on innovative new projects, but also on funding maintenance of vulnerable small open source projects they rely on, a study for the European Commission’s Open Source Programme Office (EC-OSPO) concludes. The report, made public today, shows that most funding is for new projects favouring break-through and scientific innovation. Hardly anything is awarded for long-term maintenance projects.
The European funding mechanism study examined funding mechanisms for two 
specific groups of open source developers - individual developers and 
small vulnerable projects.
There is, first, an assessment of the sustainability needs of the 
pipeline producing innovative open source software for European public 
services, especially those produced by small groups of developers. The 
report shows these groups have trouble attracting new developers to 
their project and are short of money. Small financial contributions of 
between EUR 50 a week or a one-off payment of EUR 5,000 would already 
help individual developers and small groups of developers.
In the second part, the study looks at 32 European, US and international 
funding mechanisms that support open source software projects. In 
addition to a lack of funding for maintenance of critical open source 
projects, the report also notes that funds almost never fund 
“little-known projects and developers not yet considered by wider 
communities”, and there is no fund that concentrates on government 
technology (GovTech). “Additionally, most of the funding institutions 
are US-based and do not always align with European social needs and 
The study says there is a need for a European funding mechanism to help 
sustain critical open source software communities, and to support grass 
roots innovation for GovTech projects. The report includes a proposal 
for such a fund. This fund should target individual developers or small 
groups of developers working on nascent open source projects of their 
own. These projects will already be helped with small amounts of between 
EUR 5,000 and EUR 10,000.
The outcome of the study was validated by a group of 20 open source 
experts representing funding mechanisms, public services and open source 

Il PDF dettagliato dello studio è qui:


P.S.: è stata la prima news, oggi, che ho "beccato" dal loro nuovo approccio social (mastodon) - cfr. thread di stamane
Damiano Verzulli
"...I realized that free software would not generate the kind of
income that was needed. Maybe in USA or Europe, you may be able
to get a well paying job as a free software developer, but not
here [in Africa]..." -- Guido Sohne - 1973-2008

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