Hi, my nae is Scott McCloud! I'm a cartoonist and comics scholar. Back in 2008, I created a comic book for GOOGLE explaining the inner working of their soon-to-be-released new browser Chrome.
The comic was a web phenomenon when for two days it was the only source of information on this major software release. But now that we're entering the 2020s, be and the good folks at Google had the same feeling: Chrome has changed so much that we owe you guys an update. [...] In fact you don't even have to push RETURN at all. From the moment you begin to type [nella barra degli indirizzi/omnibox], everythig is instantly syphoned off. (we jokingly call this Chrome's "no return policy") Let's take a moment here to sink in: ALL those words you might deem TOO SENSITIVE to even TYPE -- your ex's name, an abortion clinic, that group therapy idea -- before you even DECIDED whether to send them, Google has already EXTRACTED them, your doubts, your hesitations. [...] And the Google Assistant, Google's answer to Alexa, will not function properly until you have granted Google access to your browsing history. It won't even respond to "What time is it?" until you feed all of your browsing history and contacts. Though it is still LISTENING, of course, then still RECORDING everything you SAY. Continua su https://contrachrome.com/ Un fumetto davvero molto chiaro ed istruttivo. Gli articoli di approfondimento (pagina 28 e 29) potrebbero essere tratti dalla lista Nexa, ma in realtà ne ho trovati anche alcuni che non conoscevo. Ne consiglio caldamente la lettura. Giacomo _______________________________________________ nexa mailing list nexa@server-nexa.polito.it https://server-nexa.polito.it/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nexa