Google has announced the latest in a sequence of upgrades to its popular online learning platform Google Classroom, and it’s all about injecting more artificial intelligence into schools. Classroom was popular with teachers all around the world before Covid-19, but has experienced enormous growth since 2020. Google’s announcement of new AI functionalities reveals its continued plans for expansion across the education sector, and beyond, and its technical and economic power to reshape learning through automation.
# Autopedagogy The adaptive learning technology, it claims, will provide ‘one-to-one feedback,’ providing a ‘round the clock tutor for each student.’ It ‘identifies relevant learning skills’ while students are using the feature within Classroom assignments, then ‘finds relevant hints and resources’ which appear as ‘recommended video and content cards for each learning skill.’ Practice Sets also features ‘autograding’ functionality, giving teachers ‘visibility into their [students’] thinking,’ and ‘automated insights’ into ‘class-wide trends’ to provide a ‘quick view of class performance,’ as well as ‘actionable insights’ they can use to improve their teaching. [...] the head of Google for Education said ‘applying recent AI advances’ to adaptive learning ‘opens up a whole new set of possibilities to transform the future of school into a personal learning experience.’ He added, ‘Adaptive learning technology saves teachers time and provides data to help them understand students’ learning processes and patterns.’ These marketing materials are presented in a highly persuasive way. They tap into contemporary problems of schooling such as providing adequate support and feedback to students. They also promote the idea that education is about ‘learning skills,’ resonant with contemporary education policy preoccupations with skills and their value. But the Google marketing is also highly technosolutionist. It proposes that datafied forms of surveillance and automation are ideally suited to solving the problems of schooling. [...] Its ambitions for scalability exceed the Classroom alone, however. It is also positioning itself as a ‘learning company,’ dedicated to ‘Helping everyone in the world learn anything in the world’, whether at school, at work, or in everyday life itself. # Technomagic What is striking about the Practice Sets announcement is the way it presents adaptive learning technology. For teachers, it will ‘supercharge teaching content,’ and ‘when students receive individualized, in-the-moment support, the results can be magical.’ As MC Elish and danah boyd have previously argued, ‘magic’ is frequently invoked in tech marketing materials, especially in relation to AI, while minimizing attention to the methods, human labour and resources required to produce a particular effect: When AI proponents and businesses produce artefacts and performances to trigger cultural imaginaries in their effort to generate a market and research framework for the advancement of AI, they are justifying and enabling a cultural logic that prioritizes what is technically feasible over what is socially desirable. [...] AI is of course not magic. The discourse and imaginary of magical AI obscures the complex social, economic, technical and political efforts involved in its development, hides its internal mechanisms, and disguises the wider effects of such systems. [...] Invoking ‘Google magic’ therefore erases the underlying business interests of Google in education and the internal dynamics of its data-driven AI developments. [...] Google extracts personal data from students, skirts laws intended to protect them, targets them for profits, obfuscates the company’s intent in their Terms of Service, recommends harmful information, and distorts students’ knowledge. Continua con un lungo elenco di criticità serissime su Che dire? Ringraziamo il Ministero dell'Istruzione (ed in particolare la ex-Ministra Azzolina) per aver trasformato 8 milioni di studenti italiani in cavie da laboratorio per Google & friends. E ringraziamo l'attuale Ministro dell'Istruzione per continuare nel solco del suo predecessore, abbandonando quei milioni di futuri elettori all'indottrinamento automatizzato, personalizzato e sorvegliato di una potenza straniera. E naturalmente, non possiamo mancare di ricordare il nostro Garante della Privacy, che si guarda bene dal metter becco in affari che non lo riguardano, come la protezione dei dati degli studenti. E cosa dire degli insegnanti che si stanno rendendo obsoleti da sé? La Storia li ricorderà. Come eroi, probabilmente. Che la Storia ormai la scrivono le "AI" al servizio dei vincitori. Giacomo _______________________________________________ nexa mailing list