Grazie, Articolo molto interessante.

Per chi non può passare attraverso il paywall, segnalo che c'è una scaletta per scavalcarlo (

Si conferma non solo l'intenzione dei soliti di monopolizzate tutta l'infrastruttura dati, ma anche quanto il mare diventi sempre di più il centro delle strategie globalizzanti, pur essendo in gran parte extraterritoriale e quindi massimamente vulnerabile.

Chi protegge queste infrastrutture da droni subacquei alla portata di (quasi) qualsiasi tasca?

A questo proposito: <>


On 15/01/22 10:50, Giuseppe Attardi wrote:
Telecoms are doomed. Remember when they wanted to charge OTT service providers 
for their traffic? Soon they will have to beg for permission to use some extra 
capacity from the networks owned by the OTT (turned Under The Top as well).
Today tey own 66% of undersea fiber optic cables. They will also own the links 
connecting their datacenters.

Since these companies are also the major providers of cloud services, it will 
happen that most of the Internet traffic will be among their datacenters and 
therefore it will stay within their borders. Outside of that there will be just 
networks delivering results or streams to final users. All other Network 
Service Providers will be cut off from the business of ultra bandwith services. 
5G or WiFi 6 will be enough for most users.

“The ability of these companies to vertically integrate all the way down to the 
level of the physical infrastructure of the internet itself reduces their cost 
for delivering everything from Google Search and Facebook’s social networking 
services to Amazon and Microsoft’s cloud services. It also widens the moat 
between themselves and any potential competitors.”

— Beppe
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