Delhi court will scrutinize whether the pirate paper website falls foul
of India’s copyright law. The verdict could have implications for
academic publishers further afield.

Sci-Hub, the popular website that offers access to millions of pirated
research papers and books, is no stranger to legal action. But, for the
first time, the site is defending its operations in court, in a
copyright case filed in India by a group of major publishers.

In a lawsuit presented in Delhi’s high court, the American Chemical
Society, Elsevier and Wiley say that the site infringes their
copyright, and ask the court to instruct Internet service providers in
India to block access to it.

Sci-Hub’s founder Alexandra Elbakyan argues that, in India, copyright
is “not applicable in cases such as Sci-Hub, when [material] is
required for science and education”.

Legal experts say that there is a chance the court will rule in
Sci-Hub’s favour, because of a key aspect of the country’s copyright
law. The case hinges on the definition of ‘fair dealings’, which in the
past has enabled institutions in India to lawfully reproduce academic
textbooks and other copyrighted material for use in education.

If Sci-Hub wins, it could force publishers to rethink their business
models in a similar way to how the music industry changed in response
to the arrival of the Internet, says Arul George Scaria, a legal
scholar at the National Law University, Delhi. Attitudes towards
Sci-Hub in other countries could change on the basis of India’s ruling,
and the outcome could even influence similar cases in future. [...]

“Pirate sites like Sci-Hub threaten the integrity of the scientific
record, and the safety of university and personal data,” the publishers
behind the case in India told Nature in a statement. “They compromise
the security of libraries and higher-education institutions, to gain
unauthorized access to scientific databases and other proprietary
intellectual property, and illegally harvest journal articles and
e-books.” The publishers also allege that Sci-Hub uses stolen user
credentials and phishing attacks to extract copyrighted journal
articles illegally.

Elbakyan says that these are “empty accusations” that “have absolutely
no content of evidence behind them”. She denies that Sci-Hub is a
threat to science, or to the security of academic institutions. “Open
communication is a fundamental property of science and it makes
scientific progress possible. Paywalled access prevents this,” Elbakyan
adds. “That is a threat, and not Sci-Hub.” [...]

The defence will argue that Sci-Hub’s activities are covered by the
list of exemptions in India’s Copyright Act of 1957. One of these is
that ‘fair dealings’ of a work can be used for private or personal use,
including research.

Academic publishers have fallen foul of this section of the act before.
In 2012, five publishers — including Oxford University Press and
Cambridge University Press — unsuccessfully sued the University of
Delhi and its photocopying shop for alleged copyright infringement in
course packs made at the institution. These packs contained photocopies
of passages and chapters from textbooks and, in some cases, copies of
entire books that were produced for students, many of who could not
afford to buy the originals.

The judge ruled that the university and the photocopying shop were not
infringing the copyright of the books’ publishers, because one of the
exemptions listed in the copyright act includes reproducing work “by a
teacher or pupil in the course of instruction”. A key part of the case
was evidence submitted to the court by students and teachers stating
the need for the photocopies. This was allowed because there was deemed
to be sufficient national interest in the ruling. [...]

Earlier this year, 20 of India’s top scientists argued that the
country’s scientific community “stands to be gravely prejudiced” if the
case goes against Sci-Hub.

The scientists say in a document — known as a petition — submitted to
the court that the case could have an “adverse impact on access to
scientific knowledge, and so on science and technology research in

“Access to information is crucial for researchers. When the information
is hidden behind paywalls, that curbs innovation,” says Shahid Jameel,
a virologist currently at the University of Oxford, UK, who signed the
petition. Computational biologist Rahul Siddharthan at the Institute of
Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, India, adds that “apart from a small
number of elite institutes in India, most cannot afford to subscribe”
to journals.

Further petitions supporting Sci-Hub have been submitted by medical
doctors and policy advisers who use scientific papers as part of their
work. [...]

Elbakyan says that the case could change everything for Sci-Hub.
Winning could bring opportunities to improve the site and extend its

“Today, the perception of Sci-Hub [is that] it is an illegal project,
and that is even not disputable, but a fact,” she tells Nature.
“Victory will show the ‘fact’ to be merely an opinion.”

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Si direbbe che la legislazione indiana sul copyright abbia molto da
insegnare all'Italia ed all'Europa.

Ormai decenni fa, quando frequentavo l'Università di Torino, un
fiorente mercato di copisterie permetteva agli studenti meno agiati
come me di accedere ai libri necessari.

Non ho motivo di credere (o sperare) che quel mercato sia venuto meno.
Ma trovo più probabile che sia stato ridotto dal lento diffondersi della
cultura dell'accesso libero (open access) o dalla "concorrenza di
internet" rispetto che dal copyright.


PS Sì, ci sono le biblioteche e le borse di studio (cui all'epoca avevo
   accesso), ma per quanto utilissime, non coprono assolutamente i costi
   (sia in termini economici che temporali) che gravano su studenti che
   sono quasi sempre costretti a conciliare studio e lavoro.

   D'altro canto TUTTI, inclusi gli autori di molti dei testi usati
   dai docenti (docenti essi stessi) conoscevano l'ubicazione di queste
   copisterie "pirata". Ed è ovvio che non le denunciassero: senza
   copisterie, il numero di studenti dell'università si sarebbe ridotto
   di almeno un buon 20%, con tutte le implicazioni economiche che
   questo avrebbe avuto.
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