Alberto Cammozzo via nexa <> writes:

> Largamente prevedibile.
> <>


> A January report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies 
> think tank said that while advanced digital technologies will also help 
> U.S. spy agencies gather intelligence and spot adversaries, the 
> advantage lies with authoritarian societies like China and Russia that 
> can exert greater control over them.

Forse è un suggerimento? La soluzione è più autoritaritarismo anche in


Saluti, 380°

380° (Giovanni Biscuolo public alter ego)

«Noi, incompetenti come siamo,
 non abbiamo alcun titolo per suggerire alcunché»

Disinformation flourishes because many people care deeply about injustice
but very few check the facts.  Ask me about <>.

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