
Alberto Cammozzo via nexa <nexa@server-nexa.polito.it> writes:

> <https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/18/what-is-pegasus-spyware-and-how-does-it-hack-phones>
> What is Pegasus spyware and how does it hack phones?
> Pegasus can infect a phone through ‘zero-click’ attacks, which do not require 
> any interaction from the phone’s owner to succeed.
> NSO Group software can record your calls, copy your messages and secretly 
> film you
> David Pegg and Sam Cutler
> Sun 18 Jul 2021 17.00 BST
> Last modified on Mon 19 Jul 2021 09.53 BST

Grazie mille Alberto per il riferimento.

Purtroppo, come a me pare troppo spesso accada con molti, troppi
articoli della stampa "mainstream", mancano /clamorosamente/ riferimenti
alle FONTI.  Tento di riparare a questa insopportabile leggerezza,
almeno qui.... ANCHE PERCHÉ sono _esattamente_ i "dettagli" (di come
viene raccontata la storia) a fare la differenza... oltre che la
mancanza di riferimenti ai documenti tecnici.

La "root news" dell'intero grappolo credo sia questa, pubblicata da
Forbidden Stories [1]:

«About The Pegasus Project»

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

[...] The Forbidden Stories consortium discovered that, contrary to what
NSO Group has claimed for many years, including in a recent transparency
report, this spyware has been widely misused. The leaked data showed
that at least 180 journalists have been selected as targets in countries
like India, Mexico, Hungary, Morocco and France, among others. Potential
targets also include human rights defenders, academics, businesspeople,
lawyers, doctors, union leaders, diplomats, politicians and several
heads of states.

In a letter shared with Forbidden Stories and its partners, NSO Group
contended that the consortium’s reporting was based on “wrong
assumptions” and “uncorroborated theories.” NSO Group insisted that the
analysis of the data by journalists who were part of the Pegasus Project
relied on a “misleading interpretation of leaked data from accessible
and overt basic information, such as HLR Lookup services, which have no
bearing on the list of the customers targets of Pegasus or any other NSO

HLR refers to Home Location Register – a database that is essential to
operating cellular phone networks. A person with direct knowledge of
NSO’s systems, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told journalists
from the Pegasus Project that an HLR lookup is a key step of determining
certain characteristics of a phone, such as whether it is turned on or
in a country that allows Pegasus targeting.

[...] The consortium met with victims from all over the world whose
phone numbers appeared in the data. The forensic analyses of their
phones – conducted by Amnesty International’s Security Lab and
peer-reviewed by the Canadian organization Citizen Lab – was able to
confirm an infection or attempted infection with NSO Group’s spyware in
85% of cases, or 37 in total. Such a rate is remarkably high given the
state-of-the-art spyware is supposed to be undetectable on the device in

[...] The project shines a harsh light on the business of NSO Group,
which, despite claiming it vets its clients based on their human rights
track records, decided to sell its product to authoritarian regimes such
as Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Insiders
disclosed the important role played by the Israeli Ministry of Defense
when it came to picking NSO Group’s clients. Multiple sources
corroborated the fact that Israeli authorities pushed for Saudi Arabia
to be added to the list of customers despite NSO Group’s
hesitations. The company’s lawyer denied “NSO Group takes governmental
direction regarding customers.”

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Credo non sfuggirà ai più smaliziati (anzi _complottisti_) di voi che il
/presunto/ coinvolgimento del ministro israeliano aprirebbe scenari
geopolitici interessanti in merito al cosiddetto terrorismo

Il report (che non ho ancora letto) che descrive come è stata condotta
l'analisi forense è stato pubblicato da Amnesty International ieri:


«Forensic Methodology Report: How to catch NSO Group’s Pegasus»
18 July 2021, 17:00 UTC

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

[...] In this Forensic Methodology Report, Amnesty International is
sharing its methodology and publishing an open-source mobile forensics
tool and detailed technical indicators, in order to assist information
security researchers and civil society with detecting and responding to
these serious threats.

This report documents the forensic traces left on iOS and Android
devices following targeting with the Pegasus spyware. This includes
forensic records linking recent Pegasus infections back to the 2016
Pegasus payload used to target the HRD Ahmed Mansoor.

The Pegasus attacks detailed in this report and accompanying appendices
are from 2014 up to as recently as July 2021. These also include
so-called “zero-click” attacks which do not require any interaction from
the target. Zero-click attacks have been observed since May 2018 and
continue until now. Most recently, a successful “zero-click” attack has
been observed exploiting multiple zero-days to attack a fully patched
iPhone 12 running iOS 14.6 in July 2021.

Sections 1 to 8 of this report outline the forensic traces left on
mobile devices following a Pegasus infection.  This evidence has been
collected from the phones of HRDs and journalists in multiple countries.

Finally, in section 9 the report documents the evolution of the Pegasus
network infrastructure since 2016.  NSO Group has redesigned their
attack infrastructure by employing multiple layers of domains and
servers.  Repeated operational security mistakes have allowed the
Amnesty International Security Lab to maintain continued visibility into
this infrastructure. We are publishing a set of 700 Pegasus-related
domains. [...]

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Saluti, 380°


[1] https://forbiddenstories.org/about-us/

380° (Giovanni Biscuolo public alter ego)

«Noi, incompetenti come siamo,
 non abbiamo alcun titolo per suggerire alcunché»

Disinformation flourishes because many people care deeply about injustice
but very few check the facts.  Ask me about <https://stallmansupport.org>.

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