is back online.
I was disappointed but not surprised when the service (a non-JavaScript
Twitter feed) was taken down 'for legal reasons' only a few weeks after
I first heard about it, and very surprised when it turned out to be back
up again yesterday!

It clearly isn't rendering on NetSurf entirely the way the site
designers intended - see for some really messed
up layout and links that all point to the same tweet from September 2021
when you click on them - but it *is* free of the artificial
must-have-JavaScript ban on the original Twitter site.  The browser is
at liberty to download the content and render it as well as it can,
instead of just being blocked outright.

And it works as a plug-in replacement for any Twitter URLs being quoted
on news sites:  simply take the original link and edit the ''
URL to read '' in order to find out what was actually said, and
the replies.

e.g. turns out to translate to
with a pretty picture.

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

The only rose without thorns is friendship.
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