> I'm struggling to post to this list, so hopefully this will work.
> Harriet Bazley wrote:
> > Unfortunately I'm pretty sure Netsurf doesn't offer any mechanism to
> > force HTML pages to change their colour scheme.  It doesn't offer all
> > that many customisations anyway (you can't even tell it not to load
> > images, so far as I'm aware).   I think it was mainly written to be
> > small and fast, rather than highly flexible.
> There is a media query which allows a web browser to pick up the preferred
> colour scheme (light mode/dark mode) from the OS (or the browser itself).
> NetSurf does not implement this, so everything defaults to light mode.
> That would help with sites which support dark mode (via the media query or
> otherwise), however still leaves the rest of the web in light mode.
> You can change the default CSS but it is only going to help if the page
> itself doesn't specify colours.
> If the page specifies colours then they will be used by NetSurf - there's
> no way of overriding them (beyond light mode/dark mode - and even then
> you're still using colours specified by the page).  I'm not sure how you'd
> even go about implementing this.
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