On 2 Jan 2022 as I do recall,
          Andrew Hodgkinson  wrote:

> On 3 Jan 2022, at 6:44, Harriet Bazley wrote:
> > How are these images supposed to work?
> >
> > [https://www.phantomlibrary.com/macabre-mystery-curse-of-the-nightingal](https://www.phantomlibrary.com/macabre-mystery-curse-of-the-nightingal)


> They built a very over-complicated JavaScript system, that uses a custom 
> element wrapping a standard IMG tag in the hope that a browser will 
> ignore the outer custom element but render whatever it wraps. So, the 
> browser renders the standard `img` tag, which contains a low resolution 
> blurred preview of the actual image. JavaScript code looks for the 
> custom `wix-image` elements and parses parameters in the various `data` 
> attributes to work out how it's supposed to load and show the full 
> resolution image to the user.

Thanks.   At least in this case there is a way in which one *can* view
the missing images via some source-diving if they appear to be relevant
to the body text - more and more sites on the Web seem to be showing up
with their photos missing, presumably due to similar just-in-time JS
loading techniques.

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.
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