On 25 Apr, brian.jord...@btinternet.com wrote:
> In article <0f08bf2259.harr...@bazleyfamily.co.uk>,
>    Harriet Bazley <li...@bazleyfamily.co.uk> wrote:

> [Snip]

> >       <STYLE id="antiClickjack">body{display:none !important;}</STYLE>
> > which has the effect of hiding the entire content of the page.

> [Snip]

> Great find, thank you.
> B

My interest piqued I have been looking at this and discovered (I say
'discovered' while suspecting this is well known) that using NetSurf's
Full save facility produces a page which can be opened. The layout is
something of a dog's breakfast and all pictures are pixellated but the
links I have tried so far work and lead to nicely laid out pages which
NetSurf is happy with.

Stuffed Eggs BĂ©arnaise anyone?

'If a web page fails to render in Netsurf try a full save' now added to
my 'Things to Try' notes

NetSurf test builds 5278 and 5286



Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 on Raspberry Pi
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