I'm trying to install netsurf on centos 7 using the instructions in
the quick-start.md document that came with the install source.
I did it first on a dell tower and it all worked ok.
I then tried to do it on a raspberry pi3 (again with centos 7 on it)
but I get an error while running make that I didn't get before:
these are the steps I've done so far in following the quick-start.md document.

yum -y install git
git clone git://git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git
cd /home/packages/netsurf
wget https://git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git/plain/docs/env.sh
unset HOST
source env.sh
rm -f env.sh
cd ~/dev-netsurf/workspace
source env.sh
cd netsurf
yum -y install gtk3*

during make the install stops with this error

Can't locate object method "hexhash" via package "MD5" at
tools/git-testament.pl line 47.

don't know how to get past this, thanks for any advice
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