On 21/12/2020, Harriet Bazley <li...@bazleyfamily.co.uk> wrote: > I've been getting hit by access denied pages that simply read 'DDoS > protection from Cloudflare' or words to that effect; apparently the > solution is to download 'a browser extension' called PrivacyPass which > Cloudflare wants us all to have. Presumably our obscure and > non-standard browser is being identified as a bot network by > Cloudflare's too-clever-by-half 'protection'. > > Obviously none of those face-saving browser accessibility extensions are > any use unless you're running the browser in question. Is there any > chance of Netsurf's supporting this new protocol? > https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-supports-privacy-pass/ > > > Obviously the captchas don't work on Netsurf's JavaScript, so I suspect > the answer is no. > > -- > Harriet Bazley == Loyaulte me lie == > > Motorcar: a four-wheeled vehicle that runs up hills and down pedestrians
The "captcha" and "recaptcha" things should be renamed gotcha. It is malware designed to prevent access to web sites, regardless of the web browser. Websites that use it, are malicious, and should be blocked. I use multiple different web browsers, and the gotcha malware seldom lets me through, regardless of which web browser. The "select all squares that have buses/traffic lights/fire hydrants/pedestrian crossings go into endless loops of bringing up more tiled pictures, without allowing passage beyond them. It is malware; nothing more, nothing less. -- Bret Busby Armadale West Australia (UTC+0800) .............. _______________________________________________ netsurf-users mailing list -- netsurf-users@netsurf-browser.org To unsubscribe send an email to netsurf-users-le...@netsurf-browser.org