On 1 Dec 2020 as I do recall,
          lists  wrote:

> In article <8cf133d858.tig...@bc63.orpheusinternet.co.uk>,
>    Nick Roberts <tig...@orpheusinternet.co.uk> wrote:
> > I just tried that on my NetSurf #5223 and it worked fine to copy text
> > from a web page into zap (except using Ctrl-Y on zap rather than
> > Ctrl-V).
> > I may be trying to do something different to what you meant, but if so
> > your description wasn't as clear as it needs to be.
> Copying text from a web page is fine, the problem occurs when trying to
> copy a URL, as one might if sending a link to someone else for example.
I did discover a bug when trying to select and copy from the URL bar
(which I was trying in order to circumvent the lack of drag, although
it's a rather more laborious operation).

If you use Ctrl-A to select the content of the icon, a single click
elsewhere in the document (or even back in the same icon) doesn't then
clear the selection.  In fact, you can start a drag and create a
*second* highlighted selection elsewhere in Netsurf - the URL bar just
goes to a paler highlight, and then if you click in it again you end up
with two black selected areas in the same window.
Normally, clicking elsewhere in the same window is expected to clear any
existing selection.  The only way to clear the URL bar at all appears to
be by an explicit Ctrl-Z with the cursor in the icon, and it took me a
long time to discover that option for getting rid of it!

If you 'select' the URL bar with Ctrl-A, then create a selection
elsewhere, then click back into the URL bar (creating two simultaneous
selections), then press Ctrl-C, doing a paste from the clipboard into
another app will transfer the selected text from the URL bar, but doing
a 'Selection->Save' via the menu structure will save the selection from
the work area instead.   :-D

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

The way to a man's heart is through the left ventricle.
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